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my journal
this is my journal of poetry. i hope u like the entries. please comment oh and make sure u start the story from the beginning
eclipse chapter 1

chapter 1
Flames arose from the house. A terror always remembered by him. Whoosh wents the flames as the flames of darkness ate at his house. It couldnt be put out and it was getting out of hand. soon the whole house was aflame. Eclipse's parents were dead from the flame. eclipse and his sister was stuck in a room and were huddled up with each other. As the flames were gathering around them like a ring of fire, something mysterious happened. They found themselves transported from the house. As the last thing he remembered,they watched the house burn down in front of them. tears ran down eclipses face as he shouted in agony. his sister shared some tears with him and they hugged each other as the last of the flames died down.

He woke up from his dream in a gasp. He never wanted to remember that dream. The day that his parents lives were taken away from them. "what a dream,"eclipse said to himself. he walked towards the window and looked at the city called traverse. it was a quiet city when you saw it from above. he watched the golden sunrise which was the main thing he did when he woke up.

then his sister named angel walked in the room. angel was a really pretty girl that loved her brother. "hey eclipse,are you awake?" asked angel. "yeah im up,"he said. "What are we going to do today,"she asked as she wrapped her arms around eclipses neck and watched the sunrise with him. I dont know right now, but we can do whatever you want today because i have nothing to do today. She took her arms off him, walked around him and hugged him.

For a minute he started to resist then he gave in and hugged her back. he always loved to feel her soft indigo colored hair and held her around her waist. as this happened she said, "I just want to spend the day with you." its been such a long time since we've spent time together. sure, we could do that today, but i suggest we get something to eat i can feel your stomach growling. "oh, you noticed?"said angel."well,i am kind of hungry.

so she went to her room and slipped on some shoes. it was a mild summer day so they didn't wear any jackets. as they walked to the restaurant someone mysterious walked pass them. eclipse stopped for a second with a strange look in his eyes. A cold wind blew right through him. "Eclipse, hurry up,"said angel. eclipse looked up at her with a serious look in his eyes. he closed his eyes and pocketed his hands while he felt something suspicious about that person, he proceeded to go to the restaurant.

when they walked inside the restaurant they went and sat themselves at an emerald colored table with emerald seats. Eclipse stared out the window and saw the same person that they passed by just awhile ago. he stared some more out the window and watched the man and he could hear a faint voice in his head. suddenly someone tapped him. it was the waitress. "I know its a nice day outside isn't it," she said with a smile. eclipse wanted to smile, but ever since that dreadful day, no one has ever seen him smile or laugh or act like a normal kid. he was always self-centered after that day and his sister always tried to bring joy to him, but failed at every attempt. so he said very grimly "it is nice out today." his sister looked at him quizzically but saved what she wanted to say until after the waitress left.

the waitress looked bewildered for a minute, then asked,"may i take your order." he said ill have a cup of herbal tea. the waitress said,' and what about you." ill have your breakfast special."replied angel. okay ill be back with your orders soon. after the waitress was out of earshot, angel asked," why were you staring out the window?" i saw that same person we walked past on our way here."replied eclipse. "you think he's following us dont you?" asked his sister. i have my reasons for thinking so. im almost sure of it.

when we walk back home, be on your guard for anything suspicious. after that was said, the waitress came back and set their breakfast on the table and told them to enjoy. eclipse grabbed the bottom of the mug with his left hand and the handle with his right hand and he sipped some of the tea. Angel picked up a fork and started to eat her breakfast. after about ten minutes, they were finished with their breakfast. "yum that was delicious,''replied angel. "glad you enjoyed it," said eclipse. eclipse dug in his pocket and set the money on the table. then they walked out the restaurant. they started down the road and they saw the same person standing in front of them that they passed on the way to the restaurant. they both locked eyes and eclipse had a sharp,concentrated look in his eye. the wind was blowing and it felt cold.

Then eclipse broke the silence and asked,"Who are you and why are you following us?" the man replied," my name is flare." ive been following you because i have been summoned to kill you." after eclipse heard that his eyes turned a light red color and he started getting mad. his sister could tell what was about to happen next and she tried to calm him down. he looked at her and she knew that was her signal to be quiet. he replied," If youre going to kill me come and try it. he thought about pulling out his sword and finishing it really quick because his sword wasn't a normal sword. it was filled with mixed elemental magic and his sword didn't cut you, but it did alot of damage to you.

he thought about it and decided to use combat and magic. "very well,"said flare."Lets battle then." then all of a sudden he disappeared. the wind was blowing and eclipse was in full concentration. his sister was sitting back on the sidelines watching. eclipse closed his eyes and opened them back and they turned dark red. then out of nowhere a knife was thrown at him. he caught the knife and some needles came flying at him. he deflected the needles with the knife and started to speed towards flare.

eclipse went so fast that to flare, eclipse was almost a blurry image to him. eclipse hit him back with a hard force and then eclipse casted the spell dark arrow. a beam of darkness shot out from his hand and hit flare with obliterating force. flare stumbled to get up to his feet. after he stood up, he smiled at eclipse and then fell to the floor unconscious. eclipse stood there panting from exhaustion and fainted unto the floor with the last thing he saw was a blurry image of his sister running towards him.

Eclipse woke up in a dazed condition not knowing what had happened. he was somehow in his own house in bed. he had a rag over his head that was filled with cold water. "Eclipse,"said angel,"are you okay?" he replied,"Yeah im okay." "I shouldn't have let you go out because i knew you had a fever," eclipse said," "how did you know?" eclipse, i know my own brother and i look out for you. eclipse, you have to tell me these things before you get yourself hurt. you know how much i care about you. you scared me when you passed out. eclipse thought for a minute and said," i didn't mean to get you all worried and i didn't want you to worry about me." eclipse youre so stubborn, you never open up to anyone. that could really get you hurt one day and i dont want that to happen.

promise me that you wont hold anything back from me eclipse. he thought about this because he didn't want to have to keep this promise, but he knew his sister was worried so he gave in. "okay, i promise," said eclipse. angel said," good," after saying that she gave him a kiss on his forehead and said," ill be right back okay," she left the room and eclipse started to daydream.

"eclipse throw it to me," said his sister. "sure here it comes,"said eclipse.
"okay kids time to come in the house and have dinner,"said their mother. they ran into the house and eclipse's mother pulled eclipse to the side. she had a dark look in her eyes and eclipse knew something was up. eclipse said,"whats the matter." his mother sat him down and had a talk with him. eclipse, when you grow up to be a fine young man, i might not be around.

so if im not around i have one favor to ask of you. eclipse looked bewildered and asked," what would that favor be mother," she replied," take care of your sister. make sure you tell her you love her everyday. when shes down cheer her up. and take care of her. make sure she dosent get in trouble and you keep out of trouble too. now eclipse can you do all that for me? eclipse said," yes mother you have my word." ill always look after my sister and protect her. his mother smiled and said,"good." okay go and get ready for dinner. "okay mom,"said eclipse.

he rushed up the stairs and washed his hands and got ready for dinner. after washing his hands throughly, he proceeded downstairs and sat next to his sister in a chair and began to eat. after they were finished, their mother said," okay time for bed." okay mom the kids said in unison." they ran upstairs and put their pajamas on and said goodnight to each other and went in their rooms. eclipses mother went into eclipses room and tucked him in. she gave him a kiss on the forehead and whispered to him,"goodnight." he whispered back," goodnight." as she walked out the room, she turned the lightswitch off and closed the door slightly. eclipse dozed off after she walked out the room.

eclipse opened his eyes and was in a dazed trance, but quickly fought it and regained consciousness. he thought about what he just remembered and thought for a minute. the clock showed 4:00 and he wondered where his sister was. he got out of bed and went out of his room to search for his sister. he searched the kitchen and the bathroom. then went to search the livingroom. he was still thinking about what he just remembered so he didn't have enough sense at that point to look in his sister's room. he walked up the short flight of stairs into a pretty pink colored room. it had dressers a beautifully decorated pink and white bed. it had a closet and a couple of teddy bears on her bed with white drapes and a circular pink carpet. as he approached her bed, he saw her writing something in a journal. "hey," said eclipse,"what are you writing?" she scribbled down some more words then said," nothing really." its about time you woke up you must have been really sick.

"yeah i guess so," said eclipse. sorry for not telling you. she looked at him and smiled and said," its ok." you dont have to tell me everything if you dont want you i wont force you to tell me. eclipse was still a little drowsy, so he got in his sisters bed and pulled the covers over him. she looked at him with a puzzled look. she started to blush and started shaking all over. she was a little nervous because she had never slept in the same bed with a boy before. she didn't think of him as her mate, but she still had an uncomfortable feeling. she started to record this day in her journal. the first time in the same bed with her brother. by now it was around 8:00 and she started to get tired. she scribbled in her notebook some last minute words and called it a day. she put her notebook on her dresser and turned off the light. "goodnight eclipse,"said angel. to her surprise, he was still awake and he replied," goodnight." she slipped into her pajamas and got into her bed. she was laying back to back with her brother when she felt him start to stroke her hair. she liked this particular moment and it put her slowly to bed.

angel woke up around 9:00 the next day and found that eclipse was out of bed. she thought,"where could he be." she went downstairs and saw a note on the table. it read,"went to train." she focused on the note and then made up her mind to go find him. she went upstairs to take a bath and slipped on some clothes and headed for the woods the place he always goes to train.she found him in the heart of the woods casting spells. he casted dark arrow. a beam of darkness in the shape of an arrow shot out from his hand and incinerated a tree in close range of her. she stepped out of her hiding place and walked towards her brother.

"hey,"said angel."i want to train with you. he looked at her and said," "thats fine with me,but are you sure?" said eclipse. she said," yep im sure." so they stood exactly 10 feet from each other. it was a wide open space so it was a perfect place to train. so she started out by throwing a dagger at him. he trained his sister so he knew he would have to go serious on her. so he deflected the dagger with his sword and she moved at a fast speed and ended up behind him and casted the spell white lightning. this was an advanced skill that could leave devastating effects to the person hit by it. a beam of white lightning shot out from her hands and almost hit eclipse. he smiled and jumped in the air cooly to dodge it. then he was upside down in the air, so she casted the spell plasma ray. a raging series lightning bolts came out of nowhere and hit eclipse, but was ineffective because it was a shadow of him.

so she stood there concentrating and he stood right in back of her. "im sorry, but i must not lose,"said eclipse. he used a body technique called high speed body. electricity charged up around his blade and he started to move at high speeds and he struck her with his blade which knocked her back into a tree with overwhelming force.he charged at her while lightning was still around her body. as she flew through the forest, he pursued her at a high speed. he swung his sword and knocked her back into the training area and he used a move called omni slash. his body and sword glowed yellow and he knocked her up into the air and his sword split into three afterimages. he pursued in the air and hit her with his sword. a yellow light went through her body and she fell lifeless through the air. then he sheathed his sword and stopped the battle. he casted the spell cura. "there all better," said eclipse. she stood there angry because she lost. cheer up, youll beat me one day. just keep training and improving your skills. she replied," okay, but you're going down next time." so they proceeded home and walked inside of their house and fixed themselves something to eat. there was some mail in the doorway and it had a letter incased with a black seal. this caught eclipses eye so he opened it.

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