Little Red Bug of Checkered Black
Laying in the soft du grass,
Red flickers and catches my eye
It’s there on my wrist,
I watch as it crawls up and down.
A mulberry’s sweet sent,
A rose’s soft petal touch,
I watch as it crawls along my slender wrists,
I watch as it stops and spreads its wings.
It falls,
Resembling a drop of blood,
My mind goes shot,
Those feelings return.
The epiphany of light has faded,
I’ve been tugged away once more,
The small red bug,
Transformed too blood.
In a heartbeat I am left there,
With nothing once more,
Alone in my desolate corners,
The terrifying horrors of the past
There it is again,
The sweet sent of a mulberry,
I look to see the little bug once more,
It’s there, buzzing happily
Red, checkered black,
This little bug I adore
Might you take a look at it,
I a sure you it wouldn’t hurt
Such life it with holds,
In this little being of red and black,
Lives a world of many in one
It may be small, but it holds it’s own proudly
Small wings for flying
A mouth to eat,
A soul for understanding,
And a heart too weep
Cast your gentle glances towards me,
Let your eyes sparkle
I would like too see,
Let me see the smile
The one only for me,
The one that adorns your soft face,
This little red bug that crawls among me
That bug of blood that drips from my lips
Wings grant thy freedom,
Soul keeps thee caged,
What shall come of this game?
The wonderful maze that which we shant escape
A web of life,
Bestowed us this earth,
That which we live and drink from,
Yet we look upon it and death sinks too it
The secrets within,
The yearning feeling of pain,
Could it vanish from my mind,
Please, if just for a moment.
Take it all away,
Little red bug of checkered black,
Take flight within,
Though I can not
Bust the glass of the fallen windows,
Squeeze threw the cracks of the epic darkness,
Let it shatter,
Let you live
Little red bug,
Thank you so much.
I watch as it soars high,
Lands on my nose.
I smile and watch it crawl,
It no longer resembles the dripping blood,
But rather the shining sun,
And the new day ahead.
Welcome to the new day,
-thank you so much
The sun shines just for you,
-it shines for you too.
Thank you little red bug of life within,
Within the soul,
Within the bleak past of dark,
Within the epic fail,
And within my heart.
~Chi ♥
Alex_the_Doversarus Community Member |
Community Member
i dont have the balls to post mineO.o