Well, I've posted my first story on Fan Fiction.net. I must say, it's really different to what I'm used to. But it's kind of organized. Anyway, I posted Love Revolution. I've already finished that one before but I want other people to like it. Plus, I'm having a whole new set of stories. Since there are more categories on there, I can get reviews and not get that mad!! ^_^ Well, anyway, the titles of them sound pretty interesting.

Of the Sun and the Moon
Breaking the Rules
Last Dance, Last Love
Under the Mistletoe
Flying Love
Final Words
Premier L'amour (or Alexandria Academy)

The first four are Inuyasha, the next is Card Captor Sakura, the next two are Suikoden, and the last is Final Fantasy Crossover. I really like the Premier L'amour. Reason why? Cause it's so damn funny!!! ^_^ There's a part when Zidane steals Kuja's amazing car he calls the 'Invincible'. Then the boys have an illegal drag race and Zidane uses it!! LOL!!!! It was so funny when I thought of it!!