Well, it turns out that I have no school today!! This morning around 7 am, we got a call that my school had a water break so we don't go!!! It was so cool!!! So I spent the entire day writing the last chapter of one of my stories and reading others. Then I joined Fan Fiction.net to see how it really is. Well, all I can say is that it's definetly different.

There are a lot of rules to learn and a lot of things you can and cannot do. I'm going to be posting the stories I've already finished on there. My screen name: Maiden of Darkness and Night. Pretty cool huh? ^_^ Only I can't post any stories until the 11th. At least I can review with a signed one. Plus, if I get really pissed with the people on Anime Spiral, I'll just leave without saying a word and go to Fan Fiction.

Ok, people have been wondering why I would get pissed off at Anime Spiral people. Well, the fact is that people read but don't review and it really blows people up!!! I'm one of those people. Authors don't bust their asses to create great chapters and recieve no review!! Well, my polocy is that if I don't get enough reviews for a story and I get fed up, then I eave without a word. I was almost pushed to doing that though. But for now, I'm just gong to see what happens later on.

But anyway, I only have to go to school for two days!! I don't have school on Thursday because of Verteran's Day and Thursday because it's In-Dioceasn (sp?). Whoo!! That gives me a lot of time to write up my sequel to one of my stories. ^_^