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invader katrina will take over the world!
its abou irkens and the folowing irkens (and one demon) invader katrina invader angle invader alma izm a.e.d
The streets were dark with something other than night, but then again when you’re part demon you often forget that you’ve left you’re soul-search on. However, A.E.D hadn’t this time round, his fully red orbs glinted in the faint moonlight as he glanced around, his wings acting like a shield to hide him from prying eyes. His boot clad feet padded softly, the gentlest of taps audible as he carefully walked into an alley-way, his feet eagerly seeking shelter in the shadows as his crimson eyes took in every detail of his surroundings.

It was a typical alley-way; over-flowing piles of trash, unmentionable and unidentifiable things on the ground that aided him in silencing his own foot-falls further as he stalked his prey. The long, dark shadows cast by the buildings on either side allowed A.E.D to make quick, sudden movements as he prowled his way down to the other end, speed but graceful precision his only allies as he sought out his enemy. The only sign of his presence were the passing glowing eyes, red slits that blurred as they moved faster then humanly possible.

His thoughts were excited yet he clung to a semblance of calm so as not to lose sight of his goal, things must be taken slowly, every step made firmly and infallibly perfect, he couldn’t let go of his salvation again, he couldn’t lose his target when his once complacent existence required him to be the better this time. A.E.D blinked quickly, his breathing almost halting as he saw it - the flash of green that he recognized oh so well.

From hidden and stealthy movements, A.E.D burst forth from the shadows in a flurry of black clothing and flame-streaked, dark gray wings resplendent behind him, his soul-scythe in hand. The curved blade glinting in the dim light but clearly seen by anyone stupid enough to be anywhere near the scene. His lime-green skin, shadowed in the alley, matched that of the one not to far away, their back to the creeping demon even though they knew he was there.

Oddly, both figures had similar features but neither looked as though they belonged on Earth, their curved antennae, serrated teeth and blood-red eyes an obvious deterrence from human origins. The only obvious difference in their appearance was the demon had thick spikes of black-red hair while the other had no hair. However, appearances were far from either of their minds.

“IZM!” A.E.D. yelled, grabbing the other’s attention as he gripped his scythe in an effort to restrain himself. His overly energized and excited mind wanting to end this now! He could no longer wait but he would savor this, he would win.

The mentioned figure froze, his back facing the other as he neared the chain-link fence across the alley-way, his black-and red attire tightening as he flexed his muscles, turning to face the other, a smug grin on his face that A.E.D knew had been there from the moment the other had sensed his presence.

“Heya, A.E.D.” IZM replied cheerfully, hands resting arrogantly on his hips as he leant towards the soul-stealer, “You gonna try and catch my soul?” he stuck his tongue out childishly.

A.E.D bristle with anger, “******** off, you know that you’re time was up long ago, now ******** accept it or I will make you, and it won’t be pretty!” He raised his scythe in a readied stance at IZM.

The Irken before him laughed, “You really think I’m just gonna ‘accept it’?!” He gave A.E.D an amused flick of his wrist and shook his head as if dealing with a bratty child, “Seriously, being dead and therefore, technically immortal and damn near indestructible makes life way more fun.” He paused, “…or death?” He shrugged, dismissing the confusing thought and grinned sadistically, “Plus, you haven’t been able to catch me yet so what makes this time any different?”

The slight taunt had A.E.D. lunging towards the other, all restraint on his temper lost and hurled at IZM who seemed pleased he’d gotten a rise out of his stalker so easily. The renegade easily dodged the scythe as it aimed for his stomach; grabbing hold of A.E.D’s shoulders he somersaulted over the other’s head and land crouched behind him; a fluid movement that appeared so effortless.

“Like I said, what makes this time any different?” IZM laughed in the others face before readying his own stance as A.E.D prepared another attack, a clawed hand extended in another taunting gesture as he pulled two fingers into his palm and back outstretched again, his tongue poking out again from his mouth, “Come on then!” A gleeful cry escaping him at the soul-stealer’s expense

A.E.D swung his scythe at the other again, a grunted snarl slipping past his dark features, Izm ducked and rolled sideways as the blade was brought down forcefully in the space he previously occupied. The Irken pulled back his three-clawed hand and made a slash to A.E.D’s leg which made the demon leap back; his scythe swinging behind him as he wrenched it forwards again and curved it with amazing speed at IZM.

Surprised at the gracefully executed movements that the renegade soul couldn’t follow, but he caught the glint of the blade as it moved towards him, he sprung back but the blade nicked his arm, green blood spraying out in an arc as the scythe followed through to be caught further up the shaft and stopped by A.E.D’s other hand as he gripped it tightly in two hands for another attack.

“********!” IZM hissed in pain, his unharmed hand clutching his arm, the dark green blood seeping through his claws and trickling down his arm.

“Aw… did I hurt you?” A.E.D cooed, a sadistic tone marring his patronizing words, a quirked smile on his face as he surveyed his enemy.

IZM growled and produced two sai from holders on his hips. He clenched them tightly and smirked, regardless of the blood weeping from his arm that only added to a slightly insane profile, “Now that I’ve leveled the playing field a bit…” He stuck his tongue out for the third time and it was starting to irritate A.E.D, “Let’s continue…”

A.E.D’s smirk faded and a focused snarl took over as he rushed IZM, the undead Irken’s sai deflecting the scythe with a double clash, sparks dancing from the glimmering metal. IZM hooked the curved sides of the sai onto the shaft of the demon’s scythe to guide A.E.D as IZM slammed him into a wall, following through until the handle of the scythe connected with s shudder into the demon’s chest, winding him.

“Yes, this seems more to my liking…” He purred, his mouth nearing A.E.D’s as the other gasped in air.

The demon snarled again and thrust the other away from him, disgust and rage etched into every feature of his face, freeing his weapon and drawing a safe distance from the other as A.E.D prepared another assault and searched for a break in IZM’s guard.

“Aw… .D, you seem a little put out… did I scare you?” IZM licked his lips in a frightening leer.

It only served to piss the demon off further, knowing the other was only trying to confuse him and mess with his head so he could escape. He leapt up in the air, his wings beating powerfully to provide extra height as he put all his force behind his scythe and dropped down onto IZM. The Irken jumped out of the path of the double edged weapon as it slammed into the ground, embedding itself several inches into the concrete.

“s**t!” IZM hissed in alarm, his anger fueling himself as he sought to exploit the momentary defenseless state of his enemy, IZM drew back his sai, ready to slash at A.E.D when the demon suddenly pulled free his blade with disturbing ease and caught both knife blades on the broad side of the scythe’s length and knocked IZM off balance, the force with which the sai were deflected caused both their weapons to be hurled to the far side of the alley.

As IZM watched his blades skittered away, dancing off the ground as they made there escape, A.E.D seized the opportunity to lunge at the Irken, his fists a good a weapon as any to take the renegade down and then send his soul where it belonged.

IZM let out a gurgled cry as his body was thrown to the floor, a pissed and extremely vengeful demon on top of him, pinning all movement as he tackled his prey to the filthy ground. A.E.D held out his hands and his soul-scythe shimmered into being in his clenched claws as he knelt over the other, relishing his moment of triumph.

But before A.E.D even spoke IZM let out an innocent chuckle, “Why is it you always get to top…?” His eyes catching A.E.D’s and holding his gaze.

The demon blinked in confusion, “What the ********…?”, loosening his hold on his scythe and his restraint on IZM which the renegade spotted and lifted a leg to kick the ominous blade away from his neck and knocked A.E.D onto his arse.

IZM sprang up, his clawed hand curled into a tight fist as he punched A.E.D straight in the face, the demon’s cheek making a sickening crack noise as it connected. The black and red haired male was thrown back, his scythe thrown free from his hold once more as IZM kicked it out of his hand and bent down to kneel over the demon, the roles reversed and the dead alien very much relishing his power over the soul-stealer.

“You really shouldn’t let me get to you so much…” IZM tutted. A self-righteous smirk painted his green features in an almost vampire-like hunger as he drank in the sight of another triumph over A.E.D, “It’s almost as if my innocent comments know you out… almost like you enjoy my attentions…”

The demon clutched his face as he coughed out blood. Spitting it out to his side he thrust up and grabbed hold of IZM’s shoulders, rolling the pair over while the winged male punched and slashed his claws at whatever part of IZM he could reach. He was definitely not in any mood to be teased or taunted by the focus of his hate at that moment in time.

IZM cried out in surprise as he was once again forcefully pinned beneath A.E.D who was mercilessly attacking his body, the other’s claws tearing through cloth and flesh as blood poured out, splattering both of them. IZM hissed out in pain but hooked a leg round one of A.E.D’s and switched their positions, his brief upper hand allowing him to return the favor and beat A.E.D, his fists slamming into the demon’s chest, arms, face and stomach.

A.E.D let out a battle cry and lunged upwards, pounding the other into the ground, the disgusting things on the floor squelching audibly at the impact as A.E.D began again, his assault on IZM.

The Irken, while in pain, was beginning to get bored. There encounters were usually more than simple fist fights, then again his sai had been lost somewhere during the skirmish. He gripped A.E.D’s wrists unrelentingly and pushed forwards and holding him down he gripped the demon’s throat while he reached for the tip of one of his sai, the blade slowly coming into his grasp.

Choking and hissing in anger, blood trickled down his chin from a split in his lip, his face splattered with his own blood and that of IZM as the slash on the other’s arm spilled droplets onto A.E.D’s face.

“Let… go…” A.E.D spluttered; clawing at the smaller’s arm, tearing through the black shirt and cutting into the skin.

“Ah!” IZM hissed as yet more blood ran down his arm to pool at his hand and around A.E.D’s throat. His weapon firmly in his hand, he ignored the pain in his arm and leant back.

IZM’s body pinned the other down, A.E.D, surprised at the other’s sudden release hesitated before looking up at the other in confusion. The second’s hesitation provided IZM with the time he needed to pull back the blade in his hand and slam it down with unrelenting force, puncturing it straight through A.E.D’s stomach and driving it into the concrete surfaced ground, hard.

The confusion on the demon’s face snapped to agony as his breathing stopped, choking his last breath in his chest and causing him to shudder and convulse as IZM moved off A.E.D to kneel by the now forcefully pinned body.

“Sorry, Death… looks like I’m free to do what I like, yet again.” He smirked smugly, his completely red eyes drinking in the sight of A.E.D’s beaten from, impaled on his weapon. Sadly the alien would have liked to reclaim his sai, but watching A.E.D squirm was just too much fun. He leant down and placed a teasing kiss on A.E.D’s lips, causing the other to growl and snarl, baring his teeth at the other as IZM drew back, the ever present smirk still on his face, “Now now… that blade isn’t going to come it painlessly and the further it’s in the longer you’re going to be in pain… so if you aren’t a masochist I suggest you play nice or I’ll drive it in further.” He flashed a sadistic grin and collected his other weapon, laying a few feet away from him.

“You…re…a bas…tard… “A.E.D breathed out, each syllable met with a bite as his chest heaved around the intruding blade in an attempt to breathe, “He curled his hands around the sai blade and tried to pull, it only served to make him hiss loudly, progressing to a cry of agony.

“You’re right, I am.” He leant down, his body behind A.E.D’s head and his own head near the demon’s antennae, whispering into the limb and grinning as it twitched in disgust to get far away from A.E.D’s sworn enemy, “But admit it… your life would be boring without me…” He lifted the erratically moving antennae and kissed it softly.

“I hate you…” A.E.D spat, grimacing as his movements twisted around the unmoving edge.

IZM rose to his full height and smirked down at the other, “Love you too.” And vanished, his feet carrying him to the chain link fence, his clawed hands gripping the top and lifting his lean body over it and propelling him down safely.

The sounds of the renegade soul’s pounding feet faded until all A.E.D could here was the pulsing of his own blood, watching as it pooled around him, feeling it creep out from under his back, absorbing into everything but the ground that refused to take it away, allowing it to surround him. He groaned, realizing he’d have to remove the sai sooner or later so he again gripped the long knife tightly, his claws locking around it determinedly. His features displayed like a book his thoughts as he almost relented then obstinately pressed on.

He rolled his shoulders which only served to increase his pain, and with the hiss of pain he released from that he wrenched the weapon free from the ground, he screamed as it’s sudden movement sent waves of pain shooting throughout his being and jerked it again as it slipped out from his body with barely a sound.

A.E.D launched the blade into the air, tossing it aside with shocking force, despite his condition, as he angrily displayed his fury. He lay back down, uncaring of the state of his surroundings as he allowed his defiantly indestructible body to heal itself, the torn muscles, tissue and skin re-stitching itself and growing anew.

He slammed a fist down on the ground in torture as the hurt increased, “I… will… get… him…“ A.E.D promised, his pledge falling on only his ears in the deserted alley-way.

Or so he thought.

Far above him in the silent night, IZM watched with interest, his predator from the roof over-shadowing the alley, “Hmm…” The dead alien mused, “Maybe one day you will… “Suddenly his expression flashed to one of mischief and impish glee, “… then again… maybe you won’t….” he let out a soft laugh, “But I will love these little fights as you try to fulfill you’re promise…” IZM grinned and vanished from the rooftop, his heavy boots sounding but echoing and making it impossible to discern exactly which direction he went.

Down below A.E.D slowly rose to his feet, his folded wings stretching slightly as he flexed, pushing to see whether he’d possibly not healed as fast as he thought, fortunately for him; he had. With a wave of his hand the discarded soul-scythe vanished to a place unknown, awaiting his call for when next he may need it.

But not tonight.

Tonight IZM was still wandering free… terrorizing whomever he wished and living probably more than he had when he was alive. A.E.D heave a heavy sigh, placing a hand to his lip where dried blood still lingered even though he had healed.

Tonight A.E.D would do his job and fantasize about the seemingly distant eventuality of him catching IZM, a possibility that made his eyes shine hopefully then die with distress; IZM was just too good…

As good as A.E.D himself…

They were perfect enemies…

They are perfect enemies…

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