people can be good or ******** asses. why is it that people cant see what there actions do to society as a whole. to see the ripples. a person is quick to judge on such a small mistake and snap because there own selfishness had to be held up for a minute or two. but they do not relize what there actions will cause. the ripples will be felt for a long time expanding and probly reaching them again. and then they cant figure out why there life sucks causeing them to lash out more. they are quick to put someone down for something small or being different and yet do to there own short sided thoughts they cause half there problems. which leads to the id and the super ego, the emotions and the logic. one can not exist with out the other, but yet we tend to lean towards one or the other. a constint wirl wind of struggle. what is one to do in a when u can only swim for so long will it be before i drown in this stupid insanity that we call a society? do we fall into place or struggle to climb obove? what do u dare to do?