Mood: Just fine thanks
Song: You're All I Have; Silverstein
Is it weird that I like to talk about the past?
I dunno.
Maybe its cuz you opened up to me!
I liked that.
Because I never really knew she hurt you that bad.
Gives me even more reason to dislike her.
Ugh I never ever even liked her.
But I was like "Well Connor likes her so..I better like her."
I tried soooo hard. Haha.
I dont think she ever liked me either.
Whatever I knew she was a pile of poo to start out with.
But idk it wasn't really my place to do anything.
I was like "well I'm just gonna be here for Connor if anything happens cuz I love him."
I felt like such an idiot.
I realized my feelings for him after he got a girlfriend.
I was like "Fuuuuuck ); <"
I remember I finally told Kait and she was like "DAW YOU TWO WOULD BE SO CUTE TOGETHER"
I was just all angsty like "too bad its not gonna happen ; 3 ; "
Dude I hate admitting it but I cried over Michelle and Connor.
Like haha. Like..2-3 times.
Or more.
I never told Connor haha. Cuz idk. I just didn't. I just kinda logged off.
He'd confuse me so bad.
Cuz like it felt like he treated me like a gf, but then had Michelle so I was like "...Oh."
I was so confused back in the day because I didn't know if what I felt for him was friendship love or something different.
Then it kinda hit me in the face "UMH YOU TOTALLY DIG CONNOR DUMBASS"
and I was like "oh."
And I didnt really wanna ruin anything by being like "I LOVE YOU"
So I just kinda shut up and stayed where I was with him.
I just felt like Michelle didn't know Connor at all.
So I was like "******** you b***h you dont belong here"
Its all good now.
Cuz now I have Connor.
And I completely plan on treating him with the uttermost respect
And giving him all the love he deserves.
I don't think she saw how special he is.
How ******** amazing Connor is.
Its silly how someone can't see it.
He's just.
Dude there's not even a word.
Too many adjectives to choose from haha.
Well that's the end of my rant! );<
Song: You're All I Have; Silverstein
Is it weird that I like to talk about the past?
I dunno.
Maybe its cuz you opened up to me!
I liked that.
Because I never really knew she hurt you that bad.
Gives me even more reason to dislike her.
Ugh I never ever even liked her.
But I was like "Well Connor likes her so..I better like her."
I tried soooo hard. Haha.
I dont think she ever liked me either.
Whatever I knew she was a pile of poo to start out with.
But idk it wasn't really my place to do anything.
I was like "well I'm just gonna be here for Connor if anything happens cuz I love him."
I felt like such an idiot.
I realized my feelings for him after he got a girlfriend.
I was like "Fuuuuuck ); <"
I remember I finally told Kait and she was like "DAW YOU TWO WOULD BE SO CUTE TOGETHER"
I was just all angsty like "too bad its not gonna happen ; 3 ; "
Dude I hate admitting it but I cried over Michelle and Connor.
Like haha. Like..2-3 times.
Or more.
I never told Connor haha. Cuz idk. I just didn't. I just kinda logged off.
He'd confuse me so bad.
Cuz like it felt like he treated me like a gf, but then had Michelle so I was like "...Oh."
I was so confused back in the day because I didn't know if what I felt for him was friendship love or something different.
Then it kinda hit me in the face "UMH YOU TOTALLY DIG CONNOR DUMBASS"
and I was like "oh."
And I didnt really wanna ruin anything by being like "I LOVE YOU"
So I just kinda shut up and stayed where I was with him.
I just felt like Michelle didn't know Connor at all.
So I was like "******** you b***h you dont belong here"
Its all good now.
Cuz now I have Connor.
And I completely plan on treating him with the uttermost respect
And giving him all the love he deserves.
I don't think she saw how special he is.
How ******** amazing Connor is.
Its silly how someone can't see it.
He's just.
Dude there's not even a word.
Too many adjectives to choose from haha.
Well that's the end of my rant! );<