It still amazes me the things that I've gone through since leaving highschool.
It's absolutely astounding that I've watched a reserved man open up his heart and then crumble, I've watched another crumbling man hit his low before seeking help and getting himself on a better path, I've seen a wonderful friend break down before getting his life back on track, I've seen a lost man find his way, only to get it taken from him, and then have to puzzle what to do with his life from there. I saw a guy become obsessive and then completely rewrite who he was. I've watched friends dump me, and watched them make poor decisions.
But with these same eyes, I've seen a friend make her terrible situation right, I've made friends from all over the world, I've helped a man realize his potential and help him seek it, I've watched friends overcome the most difficult of self internalized fear and conflict. I watched recovery, I watched the compassion of friends. I've watched hope for humanity and I've seen what the world could be and should be with the right push. I've seen a man and his love for his child he wasn't ready to have. I've seen friends start lives with children and husbands and wives. I've seen beauty of life and nature and I've made so many memories.
I want to laugh at the thought. It's funny that so much s**t has happened to me or around me these past couple years of my life. Often I forget how much good has happened too.
It's hard to open your eyes and see the good when all you can focus on is the present and the present never seems as good as it really is.
Secretly (to myself) I know that I have it good.
School, boyfriend (regardless of distance), basic needs, and then some.
It's just so hard to see that sometimes... Maybe a note left here will be sufficient reminder.
We'll see how that works out <3
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Welcoming her to your door with open arms, Miss Misery wraps around you in a bitter heartless return...[/size:3edf725e6e][/color:3edf725e6e][/align:3edf725e6e]
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