Allo again! I'm back! I'm a little bored at the moment but really happy. Why you ask well what if I don't want to tell you? stare whee Oh well I'll tell anyways. School is almost over with!!!! That means mega YAYs for me. Also I get to stay here this summer, and I get to spend it with my friends! (That's another good thing for me biggrin ) I'm getting so hyper from it. The suspension is horrible but I CAN"T WAIT!!!!!!!!!! xd xd xd Also I got to go to Acen a couple of weekends ago. It was so cool! And so much fun. I had an awesome time with me buddy and me boyfriend. whee I really can't wait till next year. I'm sure it will be even better. Oh and for those of you who don't know what acen is I'll tell you. Acen is a huge anime convention in Illinios that is held every year. People cosplay, there are artists to check out, dealers to buy from, V.A.s(voice actors) to meet, and so on. It's really awesome and is 3 days long. It's always held on a Fri.-Sun. (Though I don't know if the days are always the same.) mrgreen If you want check it out next year. Oh yeah I forgot to say they only hold it once a year, if you haven't gone and want to now you're a little late it was on the 5-7 of may. sweatdrop
Fullmoon_Crystal · Thu May 18, 2006 @ 10:50pm · 0 Comments |