Today, a Friday in May, Friday the second to be exact, I was wondering the A/M/C when waiting for a reply on one of my rp threads when I should so happen to trip upon this title for a thread: Look, Kakashi without his mask on in the manga!
I went in. Why you might ask, well I don't really like Naruto all that much but I happen to like Kakashi and Rock Lee, so wondering what Kakashi really looked like I went in to see.
Here is the opening post:
I found this on the Shonen Jump site today!
Kakashi with no mask *drools*
Kakashi with no mask *drools*
Well I took away the link so I won't get reported as well and I won't tell you exactly what the picture was of, but I will tell you it wasn't Kakashi. It was an inappropriate picture of course of a body part, and what makes it worse, on a baby. I was shocked and appalled. It was disgusting, untactful and stupid.
Many people said that they reported him, or that they were. He said:
___ think I am reported?
HA, makes me laugh. He thinks that he has done nothing in the wrong and believes that he shouldn't be reported, HA.
person 1
____ think I am reported?
Not "think". You are.
Jesus on a popsicle stick, I'm not even sure what that was. but it certainly doesn't belong on Gaia.
That?s right, it doesn't belong on gaia. Why I believe it is even stated in TOS:
we do have guidelines that we expect our Users to follow. We urge our Users to keep the Content of the Forums and the Art Arena to a PG-13 level.
Oh look there it is! Did someone not read the TOS? I don't think so.
person 2
___ think I am reported?
Yes. Because I just submitted a report. rolleyes
It was plan and clear that he was going to get burned for this little topic. I think he had been reported every which way. I even tried to report his thread but I couldn't because it had already been reported.
Gosh you people have no sense of irony....
No you have no common sense. You posted something stupid and against TOS, and now you think that your right. Wow aren't we just the brightest bulb? NOT.
He is also using the word irony wrong. Irony is:
a type of humor based on using words to suggest the opposite of their literal meaning
something said or written that uses sardonic humor
incongruity between what actually happens and what might be expected to happen, especially when this disparity seems absurd or laughable
Iron is not tricking people too look at inapropiet pictures.
person 3
Maybe iz just me, but I think your being reported....
It was plan as day that the man had been reported, I was just stating a fact.
Your an Expert at that eh, not thinking wink
No, it is plainly clear that you are the one that is the expert.
Why, because I have been reported or because I said something and linked to something completely different?
Here is some logic, try using it wink
Here is some logic, try using it wink
HA! Idiot, you were the one not thinking of the consequences, you weren't the one thinking of the fact you could get reported and you were the one who wasn't thinking about breaking TOS. It is more then clear that you are the one who wasn't thinking. I, and many others, were tricked, we were thinking, you know what we were thinking "golly gee I would really like to see Kakashi, one of my favorite characters from Naruto, with is mask off, neat-o!" Okay maybe we weren?t thinking of it like that with that wording, but I can assure you that?s what many people were thinking.
Yeah but that still requires thinking sweatdrop
What you did? No, no thinking at all. Well wait maybe it did. "Well gee, wouldn't this be a hoot riot," yes to you, but to newbies on gaia, no, to gaia veterans, no, to all those in-between, no, to the moderators, no, and to the admins, no.
If there is anyone who think he did nothing wrong, don't even try to talk to me. You are obviously to much of an idiot for me to handle.
Well thank you for reading, like always it is much appreciated. I would like to give you a link to the thread, but I'm afraid I can't because it will most likely be deleted. But thanks anyway, I'm sure I'll find another idiot soon.