Yesterday was pretty hectic...I was away from the computer a lot. It all started when my sister wanted to go out and hang out with her friend. She even brought me along and her friend brought her brother (who is, pretty cute...). They named it "Bring your Sibling Day." LOL. Anyway, we went shopping at the Meadows Mall. You can immagine how packed the place was!! Stupid people going late Christmas Shopping. Well, we were kind of doing that too...^_^' Anyway, we went around the shops an browsed around. Finally, we left. We were getting pretty hungary so we went to a fast food restaraunt and ate there. Afterwards, we drove back to my sister's friend's house.

Then my sister and headed towards the Galleria Mall. I wanted to get the long awaited Suikoden 3: Successor of Fate Volume 4 that I wanted so much!! But then my dad called my sister and tol her something that "I wasn't allowed to hear". My sister said that I shouldn't get it until after Christmas. Then it hit me that I was getting the manga!!!! Whoo!!! Then, my sister and I went to Best Buy for Christmas presents for our parents. I immediatly went to the Anime section cause I wanted something for my sister...And something for me too. I could find nyhing my sister wanted but I did find the Second Inuyasha movie!!!!! Sweet!! It's my favorite!!! Then we finally new what we wanted to get for our parents. We bought my dad theItalian Job, my mom Sixteen Candles and for both of them, the Coming to America DVD!!! I'm sure they'll love it.

At home, we were trying to find nice wrapping paper with pretty ribbons and all. Finally, we found them and tried to divise a plan to wrap their gifts. My sister gave me the DVDs to hide and all ther materials. I stuck everything behing my bed between my dresser. There are two binders there that make them hidden. Anyway, the plan was to wrap the gifts in the morning when mom and dad weren't there to come in unexepectedly. So I chose this morning. My mom went to work and my dad had to wake up and go over to my mom's office to drop something off. That was my opportunity to wrap them. I made everything so pretty! ^_^

Also, I went over to my friend's house cause she invitd me to have dinner there so I went. Plus I stayed there and played video games and watching anime DVDs. Especially Inuyasha: Castle Beyond the Looking Glass!!!