I haven't been on Gaia and the computer for so long!! Just because I was playing video games for 10 hours straight. For Christms, I got my birthstone ring from my sister, money from my relatives, Suikoden 3: Successor of Fate Volume 4 and Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask from my parents!!! Not much but it was still good. I love my new manga!!!! I've read it so many times already!! And I'm halfway done with the Inuyasha game!!! It's so addicting to play.

For the Inuyasha game, it's so much fun!!! Though only Inuyasha and Sango are the only good fighters. Miroku and Kagome are weak sometimes and they fail to attack but they are good healers. The boy Michiru is ok at attacking but he's useful with his awesome techniques. ^_^ I still have to play the girl. Shockingly, Shippo is pretty good in battle. His techs are useful. I'm up to the part of Ayame Village. For some reason, I think that it has something to do with Koga...

I finally figured out one mystery of Suikoden 3!!! It was awesome!!! The problem was that Albert and Ceaser Silverburg mentioned that Leon Silverburg was their grandfather. So the problem was finding out who their father was. At first I thought it was Leon's son but apparently, it never mentioned he had any. But the only other Silverburgs mentioned throughout all the Suikodens are Odessa and Mathiu Silverburg including their younger brother (whose name is currenty unknown). In the manga, Ceaser mentions his father to Hugo as they are overlooking the Grasslands on Fubar's back. Ms. Aki Shimizu drew a picture of him. Shockingly, he looked like Mathiu!!!! So I decided to look into it more. I asked my dad the situation and apparently...Mathiu IS the father of Albert and Ceaser!!!! ^_^ Sweet!! It's finaly solved!!! I was all hyper and excited when I found out!!!

Also, I was playing Tekken 4 against my sister, and she kept kicking my a**!!! It was so funny!!! But she kept cheating!! She cornered me and didn't even let me attack!!! Cheater, cheater, compulsive eater.