I finally got the new Spiral DVD!!! OMG!! I was so excited!!! It was the last one on the shelf so I was very lucky. I swear, it is the most hilarious the world!!! ^_^ They had outtakes that were so damn funny!!!! I swear, Monica Rial made the most mess ups!! And each time she did, she would say "crap"!! Damn that's good stuff. And the guy who plays Eyes's voice, he said ******** cause he didn't know what the line was!! [falls over laughing] OMG!!! It's the best ever!! And there was the greatest scene ever!!

Ayumu: Can I call Hiyono to see if she's ok?

Rio: Go ahead.

*Ayumu calls Hiyono and she answers*

Hiyono: Ayumu!

Ayumu: Yo, dingbat. I'm coming to save you. Ok? Bye. *hangs up*

Hiyono: --.--######### *unleashes her anger out on Kousuke*

::claps wildly:: That was the best scene!!! I must have been faaling of my seat so many times from laughing that I just sat on the floor watching it!!! Man, that's great...