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View User's Journal

1. how much gold do you have? 2500, basically.
2. how much gold would you like to have? 1 mil.
3. are you questing something? Yes.
4. if so what? Fairy wings.
5. how old are you? Idk.
6. what's is the first letter of your first name? J.
7. what is your favorite color? Blue.
8. do you like movies? Yes.
9. what are your favorite movies? Movies.
10.do you like rap music? Kinda.
11.if yes, who is your favorite rapper? Eminem.
12.what is your favorite kind of music? Every kind. Except young country.
13.do you have a boy/girlfriend? No.
14.if yes, do you love him/her? I don't have one.
15.do you have pets? Yes.
16.do you like animals? Yes.
17.do you like school? Kinda.
18.do you have a myspace? No.
19.are you addicted to it? No.
20.have you ever snuck out of your house? No.
21.if so why? No.
22.have you ever broken the law? I don't think so.
23.do you ditch school? No.
24.do you drink alcohol? No.
25.ever done drugs? No.
26.what kind of music do you hate? Young country.
27.do you speak another language? Yes.
28.when's the last time you cried? 2 days ago.
29.do you like hugs? They're ok.
30.or do you like kisses more? Haven't had my first.
31.what color are your eyes? Brown.
32.straight or curly hair? Both. At different times.
33.what's your favorite type of anime? The type that I like.
34.do you think anime characters are hot? Sometimes........
35.do you like soda? Duhh.
36.do you have a role model? I'm my own.
37.what's your favorite song? I have alot.
38.what are your hobbies? Collecting rocks.
39.do you like sports? Kinda.
40.do you believe in love? I wanna be.
41.what is your favorite quote? One of those quotie thingies.
42.do you like art? Yes.
43.do you like photography? Yes.
44.what is your horoscopezodiac? Scorpio.
45.what do you look for in a partner? The things I look for.
46.are looks everything? Hell no.
47.do you think sex is important in a relationship? Hell no.
48.what is your favorite flower? The flowery kind.
49.can you play an instrument? Yes.
50.if yes, are you good at it? Yes.
51.are you introverted or extroverted? N/c what that is.
52.do you watch alot of tv? Yes.
53.what is your favorite show? The show show.
54.do you watch adult swim? Yes.
55.besides anime, what other adult swim show do you watch? Family guy.
56.do you know karate? Kinda.
57.ever gotten in a verbal fight? yes.
58.ever gotten in a fist fight? Close.
59.if so did you win? Close.
60.do you miss someone right now? Yeah.
61.do you think they miss you also? Yeah.
62.what are you looking foward to? Stuff.
63.are you a random person? Yes.
64.can you burp really loud? Sometimes.
65.what's your favorite season? Summer.
65.do you know how to swim? Yes.
66.ever prank called someone? Yeah, I think so.
67.ever been out of state? Yeah.
68.ever been out of the country? Nope.
69.do you work out? Sometimes.
70.what's your favorite candy? Every kind.
71.do you like christmas? Yes.
72.do you like valentines day? Kinda.
73.do you like halloween? Yes.
74.do you still trick or treat? Yes.
75.do you remember the show goosebumps? I still watch it and read the books.
76.what's your favorite emoticon? ALL OF THEM!
77.what's your favorite thing to do on gaia? Chatting.
78.do you donate? Sometimes.
79.do you believe in magic? Yes.
80.do you believe in ghosts? Not really.
81.what's your favorite scary movie? Underworld.
82.who's your favorite actor? No one.
83.favorite actress? No one.
84.have you ever seen donnie darko? No.
85.did you like it? Not really........
86.do you like to party? Yes.
87.what's your favorite alcoholic drink? Faka-ritas.
88.what's your favorite disney movie? Almost all of them.
89.do you like lindsey lohan? Not what she is now.
90.ever been to a theme park? Yeah.
91.are you good at flirting? Idk.
92.what do you consider yourself? punk, gangster, emo, goth, girly, other? Other.
93.do you protect the environment? I try to.
94.do you want to get married? Maybe.
95.do you want kids? Maybe.
96.do you cuss alot? Yes.
97.how tall are you? 5'1 1/2
98.do you keep up with fashion? Che-no.
99.who do you look up to? Nothing.
100.are you a fake? No.
101.do you have piercings? Yes.
102.if so how many? 4.
103.any tattoos? Nope.
104.ever stolen anything? Nope. But gawsh darn it, I wanna.
105.what color is your hair? Brown.
106.what is your favorite video game? KHI KHII KHCoM
107.are you a gamer? Yeppers.
108.what is your favorite food? Steak.
109.ever eaten sushi? Nope.
110.do you like ice cream? Yeah.
111.what's your favorite flavor? Choco.
112.ever cheated on someone? Nope.
113.do you sing? Yeah.
114.do you shower daily? Nope.
115.do you like cookies? Yeah.
116.do you like to grill? Yeah.
117.ever been called a tease? Nope.
118.do you have a crush on someone? Yeah.
119.are you a shy person? Nope.
120.what color are your walls? Red and blue.
121.what's your darkest secret? I don't really like most of my friends.
122.do you know how to drive? Nope.
123.do you own a car? Nope.
124.are you a good kisser? Idk.
125.what is your dream job? Photographer.
126.would you ever join the army? NEVER.
127.what is your current mood? Tired and hungry. And p-oed.
128.are you hungry? Yes.
129.do you own manga? Yes.
130.if so how much? Alot.
131.have you ever cosplayed? Idk what that is.
132.as who? Idk what that is.
133.ever said "i love you" to anyone? Nope.
134.do you like the rain? Yes.
135.do you like lightning storms? Never.
136.are you a lazy person? Kinda.
137.are you good or bad? Both.
138.do you consider yourself naughty? Nope. Only, I fake it when I ******** with peoples minds.
139.can you remember your dreams? Some.
140.do you have a favorite superhero? Anti-dad.
141.what is your greatest fear? The dark.
142.what's your most missed memory? My late dog baby and my grandparents.
143.what's your favorite place in the world? My room and disney. And the compooter room.
144.are you a messy person? Not all the time.
145.what country would you love to visit? England.
146.would you every marry for love or money? both. lolz.
147.are you a rebellious person? Sometimes.
148.get along with your parents? Sometimes.
149.ever been on a date? Nope.
150.do you like starbucks? Not really.
151.are you a liar? Sometimes.
152.what's your favorite number? My age. and it changes every year.
153.do you like the final fantasy series? Yeah.
154.do you like pirates? Yeah.
155.whats the last movie you saw at the movies? I can't remember.
156.was it worth your money? Yeah. I guess.
157.do you hate someone right now? Yeah.
158.do you like apples? Yeah.
159.do you like fastfood? Yeah.
160.ever been to olive garden? Yeah.
161.what kind of computer do you own? Samsung.
162.ever faked an injury to get out of gym? No. They're all real, sadly.....
163.ever cheated on a test? Nope.
164.ever seen house of wax? Nope.
165.did you like it? Nope.
166.do you like needles? Nope.
167.do you like hospitals? Not really.....
168.do you sleep in oversized sweaters when it's cold? Sometimes.
169.do you like kids? Some.
170.ever babysat? Yeah.
171.what's your favorite school subject? Science.
172.ever lost someone? Yeah.
173.are you a kind hearted person? When I feel like it.
174.do you take other peoples feelings into consideration? Only untill I get really mad.
175.do you like the show lost? Never.
176.if so do you get what's going on? Never.
177.do you like to drink tea? Nope.
178.do you own a cell phone? Yes.
179.do you own an ipod? Yeah.
180.do you like to go fishing? Maybe.
181.do you know how to play poker? Sometimes.
182.are you materialistic? Not really, but I like em.
183.do you write poems? Nope.
184.what is your favorite magazine? Lots.
185.do you like family guy? Yeah.
186.ever cut your own hair? Yeah. I think.
187.ever shot a gun? Nope.
188.do you know your IQ? Nope.
189.ever smoked? Nope. Only 2nd hand.
190.are you a daring person? Yeah.
191.do you believe in miracles? Yeah.
192.ever witnessed one? Nope. I don't think so.
193.do you like south park? Yeah.
194.are you a virgen? Yeah.
195.was that too personal? Yeah.
196.broken a bone? Nope.
197.gotten a black eye? Nope.
198.ever farted and blamed it on the dog? Not the dog...........
199.are you tired of my questions yet? Kinda.
200.yay!! 200 questions, are you excited? Yeah.

This Or that
201.wet or dry? Dry.
202.rock or hip hop? Rock.
203.action or drama? Action.
204.cat or dog? Both.
205.hot or cold? Both.
206.sunny or rainy? Rainy.
207.fantasy or reality? Fantasy.
208.friends or family? Both.
209.lust or sloth? Idk what those are.
210.hot or cute? Hot.
211.moon or stars? Stars.
212.paris hilton or tara reid? Neither. They both suck.
213.britney spears or lindsey lohan? Neither. They're both blonde at heart.
214.the notebook or titanic? Titanic.
215.x-men or spiderman? Both.
216.manga or comics? Both.
217.anime or cartoons? Both.
218.cell phone or pager? Cell.
219.digital or film? Both.
220.earth or air? both.
221.fire or water? both.
222.love or hate? Both.
223.greed or gluttony? Idk what gluttony is.
224.wrath or pride? Pride.
225.cars or motorcycles? Cars.
226.skateboards or bikes? Ih.
227.playstaion or x-box? PS. 2.
228.pen or pencil? Both.
229.smirnoff or hypnotiq? asdfaksdg;lk?
230.mac dre or tech n9ne? askidtgh;alse?
231.bootyshorts or thongs? NOT THE BUTT FLOSS!
232.sweaters or jackets? Both.
233.basketball or football? Basketball.
234.mtv or fuse? Both.
235.blockbuster or netflix? Netflix.
236.american eagle or hot topic? Hot Topic.
237.chocolate or vanilla? Both.
238.coffee or hot chocolate? Hot Chocolate.
239.one piece or two piece? Both.
240.color pencils or markers? Both.
241.music or movies? Both.
242.red or black? Both together.
243.subway or quiznos? Subway.
244.mystery or comedy? Comedy.
245.emo or goth? Idk.
246.lonelygirl15 or danielbeast? Ih?
247.water or soda? Soda.
248.piercings or tattoos? Piercings. And some tattoos.
249.mcdonalds or burger king? Both.
250.bras or padded bras? Bras.
251.pretty in pink or sixteen candles? Sixteen Candles.
252.the goonies or the breakfast club? The Breakfast Club.
253.the simpsons or family guy? Both.
254.friends or will and grace? Friends. I hate Will and Grace.
255.the L word or Queer as Folk? Ih?
256.lion or tiger? Bears, oh my!
257.beer or wine? Idk.
257.margarita or long island? both. lolz. =]
258.eminem or bubba sparx? Eminem.
259.west coast or east coast? East coast.
260.heaven or hell? Both.
261.myspace or gaia? Gaia.
262.fruits or vegetables? Both.
263.top or bottom? Both.
264.hickys or mushroom stamps (ewwwww) Neither.
265.vampires or werewolves? Both.
266.fairys or nymphs? Fairies.
267.snow white or cinderella? Cinderella.
268.science fiction or horror? SciFi.
269.uggs or flats? Ih?
270.g-unit or g-unot? G-unit. It's fun to make fun of them.
271.hyphy or crunk? Ih?
272.3 6 mafia or Dayton Family? Ih?
273.fallout boy or yellowcard? Fall Out Boy.
274.dashboard confessional or weezer? Dashboard Confessional.
275.naughty or nice? Both.
276.robot chicken or morel orel? Neither.
277.gangster or skaters? Both. lolz.
278.preps or goths? Goths. I ******** hate preps.
279.winter or summer? Summer.
280.spring or autumn? Autumn.
281.wild boyz or jackass? BOTH! YEAH-HOOEY.
282.limewire or itunes? iTunes.
283.the 80's or 90's? Both.
284.shots or beer chugs? Both.
285.jager bombs or kamakazis? Neither.
286.cornflakes or cherrios? Cheerios.
287.sigle or group dates? Both.
288.skinny or fat? Skinny.
289.long hair or short hair? Midway hair.
290.blond or brunette? Brunette ( no offence to annyone! )
291.skirts or pants? Pants.
292.sharpies or painters? Sharpies.
293.harry potter or LOTR? Both.
294.love or lust? Both.
295.sing or dance? Both.
296.cuddling or sex? IDK!
297.tequila sunrise or screwdrivers? Both.
298.diamonds or gold? Both.
299.skydiving or bungee jumping? Both.
300.yay!!!! your finished, now post a victory cheer!!!
You ain't got no aliby
You ugly
Yeah yeah
You ugly


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