• Snowflakes fall upon the ground.
    Bitter winds chill the frosty soul.
    No words break out-not a sound.
    Fires are lighted, burned the coal.

    Hear the silent angels cry:
    “He was born now in the far east-
    The son of man from on high;
    The one alone named the High Priest.

    Rejoice, dear world! With us sing!
    Cry His name to the skies with might!
    He the anthem; He the king!
    Sing joy! He was born tonight!”

    These whispers resound within.
    They bind the heart to the white snow.
    They remind us where we’ve been.
    These songs call us home, I know.

    Footsteps carry back to home,
    And His star shines forth His white light.
    Angels tell me I’m not alone,
    And wish “Merry Christmas. Good night!”