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- Artist Info: well.........lets see....umm.....first things first.........contrary to wat my profile says......my bday is not on the 16th of january, its on the 17th........i just said that totally random bit of info cuz i dont kno how to fix it on my profile....lol........ok....so i take it i have to say sumthin bout myself????.......welllllll....ummmmmmmmmmmm.....uhhhhhhhhhh......o!!!!! oooh oooh!!!!!!!!!! I GOT SUMTHIN!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! ^_^ *BOUNCES UP AND DOWN...DOES FUNNY LIL HAPPY DANCE* *REWARDS SELF WITH COOKIE! XD*....unlike most girls..i would prefer to wear camo guy's style shorts with a t-shirt and a pair of original style black converse.....that is my outfit of choice ^-^....i play the flute in marchin/concert band at my school....(my flute is the BOMB!!!!! ITS PAINTED BLACK!!! LOL ITS EMO AND WANTS TO B A CLARINET!!!!! XD ).....im 16.....(joy.....MaSsIvE SARCASM).....LOL....um.....i have a wonderful boyfriend......i love him very much..... <3....*hmmmmmmm*......ive been described as many things by MANY ppl........lol........some of the descriptions are.... insensitive, rude, uncaring, weird, freakish, dorky, geeky, nerdy, pain-in-the-"butt", smart "butt", pessimist, cynical, evil, mean, pyscho, pyschotic, irresponsible,...and many more lol but the weird part is......ive also been described the complete (and nicer) opposites of those words above, strange, huh? LOL.......O WELL.......so Im a lil skitzy, but w/o the pyshco part, whats wrong with that? biggrin ....anys, im totally random, and talk really loudly, i laugh like a dying hyena and for no reason sometimes, im the person u would see runnin round the school for no reason, with a big grin on their face just laughin and havin fun, but im also the one to be in school doin her work like a good student, (hey, im on the honor roll after all smile LOL)......IM VERY CONTRARY TO MYSELF,....EXAMPLE: IM WRITING THIS........WHEN I TOLD MY FRIEND I WOULDNT...........LOL THEN AGAIN *THINKS BACK* THAT COULD ALSO B CONSIDERED LYING.........OK SO I LIED A LIL........BUT IM NOT A GOOD LIER......MOST OF THE TIME.......*GRINS EVILY*....AND I DONT LIKE TO LIE.....BUT LOL WE ALL DO SOMETIME OR ANOTHER..........SO ANYS........thanks for readin!!!!!!!!!! *waves* and remember........thats only at glimpse at the nutty personality that is....................................MEEEEEEEEE! LOL byebye smile
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Comments (1 Comments)
- PoeticWindstorm - 05/02/2009
- ok.....so here it goes.... biggrin im some one who loves to write poetry (duh) you may or may not think that its the best thing uve ever read.....and thats ok......but its my way of venting.......so all i can really hope for is that it has some meaning to u and that u enjoy it....so plz read and comment if u wanna........ ^___^
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