• Asphyxia Lie's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Hello.<br />
    I'm Asphy,or at least that's what most of my online friends call me.<br />
    Other names go by Aroie,or Yellow.<br />
    I'm a very friendly person.<br />
    You can often find me in the Avatar Talk and Dressing Room boards.<br />
    Asphy enjoys tekteking.<br />
    Asphy,however,rarely ever gets her dream avatar.<br />
    Help Asphy and donate if you'd like.<br />
    Cause Asphy wants a fancy avatar.<br />
    Usually in character according to the avatar<br />
    Asphy enjoys speaking in third person here on Gaia.<br />
    Don't like,don't talk.<br />
    Asphy can sometimes be seen lurking the Charity forums.<br />
    If Asphy suddenly disappears from talking to you on your thread<br />
    It's most likely that Asphy got ridiculously bored and left.<br />
    Deepest apologies if that happened to you.<br />
    Don't hesitate to PM Asphy to say hi.<br />
    Asphy also questing for everything she wants.<br />
    Donations are loved.<br />
    <br />
    Find me on:<br />
    <br />
    Kistyn on Deviantart<br />
    SpecialKisty on YouTube<br />
    KistyJo on Formspring<br />
    Aethane on DragonFable<br />
    <br />
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