• Over 100 years ago two vampires were born. Two young girls, one by the name of Giselle and her closest friend (whose name has been lost in the great archives) The young girl named Giselle refused to accept this fate, so she sought out a cure, hoping to aid her and her friend. The girl had heard of a witch who would grant any wish for a price. The girl searched and searched for the witch. After a year of searching the girl finally found the witch. When the witch asked the girl what she was after the girl told her her story. The witch took pity on her and told her she would grant her wish. But as payment the girl would have to give up her memories of being human. When the girl accepted the witches offer she removed the girls memories and put them into a beautifully designed caraffe. She handed the girl the bottle and told her there was enough for two. The girl took the bottle and headed back to tell her friend the good news. When the girl arrived home she began to tell her friend the story of how she had recieved the cure as she watched her take a sip of the bottled memories. When the girls friend was finished she handed it to the girl who drank the remainder of the bottles contents. That night as the two friends drifted off to sleep they could feel their hearts slowly beat back to life.
    This is the legend of Lilith of the Steely Moon. And it's completely untrue. Giselle was never cured.