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  • Artist Info: I'll start with the facts, I'm a brony, I'm obsessed with pokemon, and I have a strong preference towards intelligent people. I love helping my friends out and making them happy, so if you manage to become one you can rest assured you'll be treated right, but don't for a second think you'll get away with taking advantage of me. I admit I'm a nerd, not the sort that shop at Hot Topic, I'm closer to the sort that logged 100 hours on Skyrim the first day she got it. I'm very sarcastic so never take any sour words to heart. I do have a serious attitude very often, however, which is when I read or write my novels. If you can talk to me about literature and language you can expect us to become close friends very, very fast. I love animals and look forward to becoming a veterinarian. I volunteer at a ranch that gives therapeutic horseback riding lessons to autistic children, and I'm a VERY strong gay rights activist. Don't even think of talking badly of less fortunate people, I hate idiots and blame them for their own failures because of their mistakes, but if you ever bad mouth anyone less fortunate because of a bad hand dealt in life, you can expect a tirade from me. Overall I like to think I'm a fairly agreeable person, but if you treat me badly you can expect the same.
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