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  • Artist Info: A Loving Letter From A Friend On My Birthday,<br />
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    Zazzy-<br />
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    Today is a happy day for me too, because it brought you into this world and you into my life (though much later). <br />
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    I am so fortunate to be able to call you a friend. You are kind, fiercely loyal, funny and most of all unselfish. I see you spread happiness and laughter even when you are down. I see the way you love your mother in exactly the way she needs it. You have such a big heart.<br />
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    I just wanted to tell you on your day how much you mean to me. Your friendship is priceless. You have changed my life in so many ways that I barely recognize myself any more. Your kindness and love have melted the ice wall that surrounded my heart and have brought such healing to my life. I'm not as afraid as I used to be, I get braver and braver every day with your encouragement. Your words build me up instead of tearing me down. You mean the world to me; you have a place in my heart that no one else can fill. I love you so much, Zazzy. Sometimes it overwhelms me because I've never loved anyone so much ever before (in a strictly platonic way...I'm seriously not coming on to you). <br />
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    I'm praying that you find true love, a love that won't tear you to pieces and make you sad. I'm praying that you find someone who loves you as much as you love...a love so strong that it overwhelms you in a good way. I pray that you find someone who will laugh with you and encourage you. I pray that you find someone who will walk with you through life and who will carry you when you feel like you can't go on. I want so many things for you. You only deserve the best the world has to offer. Don't settle for anything but the best because anything else is not good enough for my Zazzy.<br />
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    Love, Bekah
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