'Would you be my Valentine?'
A roar of laughter came from Liam's friends. He couldn't believe what he just heard...
'Hey Liam, are you gonna except or what?'
'Yeah Liam, gotta give her an answer!'
More laughter.
The girl standing in front of him was a year below him,aka, just started high school, she was also the one type of girl he would never want that offer from.
A goth. Why the hell would a goth ask HIM that? There was no way he would say yes.
'Go away freak, why the hell would anyone be your Valentine?' he spat.
The girl looked like she'd been slapped in the face. She blushed, and ran towards the school.
'Aww...you made the ickle goth girl cry...Haha! Good one Liam!'
'Oh, you should have seen your face!'
'Piss off,'he said,he punched a few of them lightly, 'you knew what I was going to say anyway.'
But inside he knew he had hurt this one's feelings, bad. But it couldn't be anymore worse than that.
Throughout the day, Liam had more requests from girls to be their Valentine. This happened every year. Since kindagaten to high school, every Valentine's Day meant cards, hearts and chocolated from several girls. Most of these ended up in the dumpster. And for White day? He never gave anyone anything.
Liam sitting on bench that lunch break, all his friends had gone to basketball or baseball practise, Liam hated sports so he was always alone in lunch.
'Excuse me...' a small voice asked.
He looked up, and gasped.
There in front of him was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had blonde hair, almost white in the sun, and in reached down to her waist. Crystal blue eyes the exact shade of aquamarine, and a really good figure. She looked like a model.
'Do you mind if I sit beside you?'
He had to be dreaming.
'Ur...sure! Lemme move up a bit.' He scooched over and put his bag down to the floor.
'Thanks, my name's Vick. Or Victoria, and your's is?'
'Oh...urm...I'm Liam.'
'Hey, are you a senior? You're tall! And you've got such nice hair! Like soft feathers...Do you use conditioner?'
Liam was speechless....a pretty girl like this? Talking to HIM?
Then the question came.
'Hey Liam...I don't ask this often but...would you be my Valentine?' Victoria produced a small box of Belgian chocolates.
Liam gasped.
'R...Really? Wow...I mean...sure! Thanks! I...'
Before he knew it the box of chocolates were on the floor and her soft lips were on his...
That night was probably the best Liam had in his life. He lay on his bed, Victoria sleeping softly by his side...a little breeze coming in...for Febuary it was strangely warm.
He yawned...maybe he should go to sleep too...
He shot up. What was that?
'Who's there?'
'You made me cry Liam...'
Wait...wasn't that...that...
'No...how on earth...no way...'
BOOM! Then a flash of light, and Liam screamed.
At the end of his bed, a girl...THE girl...with her black hair swirling all around her pale, long face. Make up running down her face, eyes bloated...She looked like she'd been crying for an enternety.
'You made me cry...' Her eyes fixed into his. 'And you chose one who doesn't love you...instead of me...you chose a whore!' She sounded like she was snarling.
'I...I'm sorry!I...Look...I...'
'I can't forgive you...and I can't forgive her...she has to die...oh yes..she must...she uses herself for only her own pleasures...she must...you have to live...you have to...'
Another flash of lightening filled the room, the girl raised her hand and brought it down...
Liam woke up.
It was morning.
'Must have been a nightmare...'he said to himself, 'guilty concience...that's all.'
He turned. And yelled.
A skeleton...no...it still had flesh...it looked like it had been drained of everything...Liam touched it...the skin was dry as chalk...the body was bruised, black and purple stains all over...and the once fair hair was ripped out.
And on the floor...written in red...:
'Why remember YOU?'
Now Liam resides in a mental home. Unable to speak except gibberish since 15th of Febuary that tragic year. His famiy want no more to do with him, and he's only visited by a girl on black...who treats him as a lover...while he shudders at her every touch...
And when he does speak, he only says the words...
'Would you be my Valentine?......'

- Title: Will You Be My Valentine?...
- Artist: Crulii3
It was Valentine's Day and I'm still single...so I got bored.
So how about a nice horroR?
Just so you know...I'm not into lableing so forgive the stereotypical goth. - Date: 02/15/2009
- Tags: will valentine
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Comments (1 Comments)
- AmaniPhoebe - 02/15/2009
- wwwwwwwoooooooooooowwwwwwwwww. thats so cool
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