• Oh hi Fred. "uh hi ashley." "Oh I didn't know you knew my name. So? Whats up?" "oh nothing much. yeah um I gotta go do something over there." "oh um yeah ok." (sigh) am i not trying hard enough dose he not see me flirting. well no matter what i'm not going to give up on him.( 2 hours later.) "Dude I don't know what to do. should i ask Ashley to study with me or not?" "Fred calm down. Do you like her or not. because if you do ask her if you don't then don't ask her. It's as simple as that. "Zack shutup. I do like her but if i go out with her my reputation will be ruined forever." "Fred.......What the HELL is your problem!?!?!?!?!?" "Hey Ashley what are you doing?" "shhhhhhh. get down, be quite, and listen." (They listen for 2 more minutes.) "omg, Fred likes you." "I know. i think i'm going to ask to study together tonight." (ashley walks casually past freds table) "Hey Fred i was wondering if you wanted to study with me tonight? I really need help in chemistry." (Zack nugges Fred.) "sure, whatever ashley. If it makes you happy." (sarcastic tone.) "ok be at my house at 7:00 tonight. heres my number and address. "Ok thanks.....I guess."
    "dude what are you gonna wear!" "I don't know something casual."Fred get your freeken head in the game. this is like a first date and I am NOT going to let you mess this up." Dude this is my date not yours." "ow ha. so it is a date." "shutup zack." (later that day at ashley's house.)"eeeeeeeepp what are you gonna wear ashley." " um i dont know i was thinking of just wearing some jeans and a tee." "no you're wearing a skirt and a cute blouse." "but i dont own a skirt." "ok well good thing i brought one ." " you knew this was gonna happen didn't you." "well no duh you've never wore a skirt to school ever since the second grade so hear ya go ." " oh thank you Jessica it's lovely." (ashley takes out a pretty red skirt.) "oh my gosh look at the time freds gonna be here any minute get out Jessica out, out ,out, now." "but Ashley i can help you then i'll leave." "oh fine Jessica please go make the snacks."(5 minutes later) "ok im leaving im leaving but I want a full report." (ding dong.) "coming" "Hi Fred." " woh uh oh wow "hi Ashley what's up ?" "nothing much . Come in have some snacks. "wow this is a big house." "Yeah well it's home." "wanna study now?" "sure." (1 hour later.) "Hey Ashley I have a question." "Yeah?" "do you like like me?"