• The wind blows.

    There was a woman who use to sat there on her porch waiting.

    Her rocker swayed backed and forth,

    squeaking just like a mouse

    She thought to herself, "when is he coming?"

    Later that night as the sky turn as the raven's feather,

    and it snowed just like the old woman's wrinkly skin.

    She knew in her heart that'll he'll be back from his journey

    from over seas where he was in combat for the woman he left behind.

    As the leaves changed color from a healthy green to a bitter brown,

    A young tall man stood about six feet tall in front of the old lady door steps.

    He rang the door bell several times and knocked a few on the hard door.

    Hoping for the old lady can hear just fine so she can with open arms hug and welcome him back.

    Slowly the old woman got off her rocker and picked up her cane that was by her.

    The man waited knowing that the old woman would take her time due to her age.

    In time she open the door for him and embraced him with wide open arms.

    The two happily reunited by having a cup of tea and talked about his long epic.