• A dream
    I awaken
    in a field
    Green, lush
    A little blurry
    Like water in my eyes

    I stand
    Look around
    See a well
    Stone, decaying wooden roof
    I stare into the depths
    Just black, no water
    Ominous feeling
    Noises like animals
    Angry noises
    Noises I don’t like

    I slowly inch away
    I can’t run
    No one hears me
    Its still light out
    My vision clears
    I see water

    I walk
    What seemed a great distants
    Now at my feet
    Like I blacked out
    The pool
    Rectangular, deep, gray like concrete
    Blue water
    can’t see the bottom
    looks inviting
    Huge flowers in neat rows on either side of the pool

    I notice girls
    All around
    Blue pink green
    Reminds me of the flowers

    They speak to me
    They tell me many secrets
    Can’t remember
    Shown to a large temple
    white domed roof pillars no doors
    open like a giant pavilion
    there’s an enigma in this place
    large pedestal
    one book very large many pages

    I open the book
    I search
    there’s only one page with righting on it
    it tells me the greatest secret
    on the tip of my tongue
    i can tell its important
    mabey the key
    to everything

    sounds like the girls
    I rush to see what is happening
    Its getting dark
    I cant understand
    What’s happening

    I see something
    Something not nice
    Something that doesn’t like pretty things

    All the girls are gone
    Flowers are lit like they have candles in them
    Maybe girls are inside

    I run
    I have to get away
    I hear the noises
    The animals Noises
    The Angry ones
    The ones I don’t like

    I can’t go fast enough
    They catch me
    I see fur like a bear
    Shaped like a man
    Broad shoulders
    Claws teeth eyes
    Many faces
    Circling me
    Surrounding me
    Noises like laughing
    Not happy laughing
    Mean, angry, cruel
    I want to get away
    I need out

    On the ground
    Can’t escape
    They get closer
    Drawing in
    like a huge trap made of fur and claws
    inche by inche they get closer
    slow methoudical
    so close I can smell them
    smells musty, old, dead
    there inches away now
    so close
    i could be cut to peaces
    by there sheer incessant circling alone

    they all stop
    they wait
    they laugh
    and they lunge

    I wake.