• Ceruleagos was considered a very lucky dragon - to have escaped the clutches of Nefarian and live to tell about it was quite a feat. Many months after she had escaped, many of her flight questioned here as to what was hidden in his lair and where they may locate it; all things she kept from them. The farther away they stayed from the black Dragonflight, the better. It was one of the many reasons as to why she took on the form of a high elf and meddled around the world of Azeroth; no one questioned her of painful memories then and it was easier.

    She stood in this costume of her's on a tall cliff, ash falling around her body. She would be in the burning steppes, a place that seemed to always be on fire, the home to Blackrock Mountain. She would be a tall elf figure, her hair cut short, with half of it pulled into a ponytail to keep it from blowing into her face. Her skin was paler then other elves, showing she was of highborne heritage, her eyes a deep azure. She wore the robes of a powerful priestess, the crimson, golden and ivory design framing her body well, hidden mostly under a dark cloak made of some dragon's scales. Her arm extended out away from her as she pointed off to the distance. "Nallaen, tell me, do you have recollection of this place?"

    Behind her stood a human male, his hair as white as her's, but skin darker, having gained some life back into his body. He was hidden under the protection of a dark cloak too, one that she had sewn herself, as he took a few steps towards her. He gazed out, past the lava pits and the piles of ash, ignoring the firey elemental creatures as he took notice of a mountain. "I don't.." He would admit, his head lowering.

    "Deep in that mountain are powerful beings..." She retracted her arm, holding it close to her chest as she spoke. "You spoke of one before, Ragnaros, long before you ever noticed me in the bustling city of Stormwind... deep into the core is where he lays in wait, do you remember, Nallaen?" The man shook his head again, not remembering much. "The other ... well, he is one you will come back for someday." Whirling around to face him, she gave a smile.

    "Will I?" Nallaen asked, looking past her to the mountain.

    "When you are strong and powerful, you will come bring justice with you to this place. I am sure of it." The elf would grab his hand and hold it tightly. "Come on, let's go check out Thorium Point some more; I'm just fascinated with those dwarves!"

    "Okay." He forced a half-hearted smile, squeezing her fingers.

    She would look over her shoulders again towards the mountain, hoping her presence here would alert him. Ceruleagos was a proud dragon, one of the Blue Dragonflight, and she would be back for her revenge. Just needed a bit more strength and some comfort; both of which laid in this warlock's hands, once he matured, of course. "Stick close Nallaen, I would not want you to become elemental food." She tugged him away towards the safety of the dwarve's camp, Thorium Point.