• Confusion hums through my body like the lightning that breaks the sky. Tears drip down my pale face as the clouds cry on me. Thunder, strong and force full booms out as I scream into the night. With every crack of lightning and boom of thunder my heart fractures like melting ice. I stand there on that unused back road, pulling at my hair, ripping at my clothes. The confusion turns into blind rage as the last conversation that we had filtered in to mind. Yelling, screaming, weeping as I pounded on the muddy concrete. Grabbing handfuls of the cool, gooey mud from the side of the road, I smeared it over my bloody stained clothes, skin and hair. Sheets of tears fell harder, rinsing away the mud, reveling the bloody smears. As quickly as the mud was rinsed away I layered more on. Layer after layer till I felt like I was the mud. We both know that what we said would push us both passed the edge. Past the barricade of hurtful words that mean nothing in the end. To the physical fighting, were the bottled up anger and frustration took on an animal persona. With claws and teeth we attacked, knowing that only one could win; only one could survive. With in that bout of strength and will, you fell in streams of crimson blood. I stood there watching as you struggled for breath sending more hot blood flowing over the newly waxed floor. I watched not from my body but from some was above, like this was all just a movie. What happened next was a blur of street lights and trees as I ran. I ran from that gory scene, that end of a tragic play into that cold rainy night.