• War. What do we have to prove by war? This war has been going on for years now. How much longer can it go on? How much longer will it go on? War is so stupid, but I guess it has a point. But what is there to prove by war? What is there to prove by killing people that, for all you know, could be very kind and loving? Heck, you might not even want to kill them if you got to know them. The world doesn't work that way, but, things would be...better if they did.

    Hate. What is 'hate'? A rouge emotion? Hate has been around as long as the Earth has been. Hate is some thing that we can't use for good purposess. Hate has run the world for years apon years. Hate is some thing you feel. Like a burning fire, it's there. When we as humans us hate, we use it like a viper going in to kill a rat. Things like hate are like a poison. It flows through us waiting, wating to be used. We use hate quite often. We never really notice though.

    Love. What is love? Is it the opposite of hate? Yes. Exactly that. Love is some thing you feel for some one. It doesn't have to be that "special some one", you can use it in friendly ways. Love can be used towards a pet, family member, friend, or for that some one. But, do we ever truely love? I don't think so. I think we fool our selves into thinking we have a true love, when we actucally don't. Love is some thing quite like a fire that we put out and relight often.