• On days where the sun is high and there are no clouds; I find myself hating the day. I've never been a fan of clear days where the sun just glares at you with hateful eyes, causing you to drown in your own sweat if you run around too much. Actually I despise them.
    I sat alone under a maple tree, hiding from the sun's evil glares. Being only a child, I attend school, which seems pointless to me. I watch the other children and young teens, run around the school yard with their friends. I find no need for friendship; they would just slow me down on the way to the top.
    Sometimes one or two pairs of eyes fall upon me, but they quickly turn away. They know, instinctively, to stay away, for their own life's sake.
    When you first look at me you see a young woman of sixteen. I look no different from any other human. I have my own look; raven black hair and dark brown eyes. My eyes reflect my empty feeling, and my hate of the world. They also say “don't mess with me.” The dark shadows that surround my empty eyes, show my inability to sleep. That doesn't mean I sit and stare at the black void of my room. I wander alone, as always, and look for something or someone to taunt.
    The school bell rang and I stood and walked to the door, my head held high. All humans, even the popular ones, keep their eyes from wandering too close to me. They always have and they always will.
    The students walked into the air conditioned hall ways of the school, and to their lockers. I unlocked my locker and swung the door open, almost hitting the girl beside me. Her aura was is so easy to feel, she is so filled up with herself that even her friends are swallowed up in her. I grabbed my books and shuffled to my next class; boring, old geography. Who cares about how the world looks, everyone knows it's round and has water and if you get to an ocean you know not to keep going or you'll drown.
    "Venmoria?" the teacher called. I raised my cold eyes from the desk and gave her a hard stare.
    "Yes?" I hissed in response. She looked terrified as I looked at her, but if she didn't teach she didn't get paid. She hesitated for a moment.
    "What's a push factor for immigration?" she asked looking down at the paper, escaping my frozen eyes.
    "War." I said, totally bored. She didn't bother to tell me if it was right or not. She moved on to the next question. My eyes drifted back to my desk. In the middle of my desk was a sheet of paper with the answers in neat writing on it.
    I sit at the back of the class room beside Tristan, the popular girl. She doesn't acknowledge my existence, and I like it that way. But someday I'm going to wipe that annoying "I'm better than everyone," smile off her face and I'm going to dye that golden hair green. I like to annoy her by putting my sheets on her desk, and sometimes, when she's not paying attention, I make it look like she wet herself. Just because I have powers, that I dislike, doesn't mean I can't toy with someone using them. It's quite funny really.
    When the class was over I made my way to the gym. Gym has to be my least favourite subject, because playing team sports, and winning, is hard when your teammates are afraid of you.
    Today we were playing dodge ball. Tristan and Kaylee scanned the line of grade elevens. Kaylee's light green eyes stayed on me for only a fraction of a second. I knew none of them would choose me, until the end. That's just how it went. Students drifted over to the side their new teammates were on.
    I stood there alone while many eyes stayed on me. I shrugged and walked over to Kaylee's team. They backed away as I approached.
    My hands tingled with hunger for the feeling of the dodge ball in my hand. I was the best player in the class, but I was the freak, the loner and no one wants to be on their team.
    The game started and everyone began laughing and screaming when balls flew at them. I stood at the side with my hands in my pockets, no one dared to throw a ball at me.
    The rest of the day passed slowly, as everyday before it had, and everyday after it would.
    The walk home was a horror. The sun was trying to kill me, it was practically over head. Living in Orlando, Florida was not a good idea.

    "So, how's life with the humans?" asked Britina, a dark skinned and ebony haired witch. She was the closest thing to a friend I had, but we weren't that close.
    "Better than life cramped up in this dump." I responded almost rudely as we walked up the front steps and into Britina's house. Britina's mother had "adopted" me, only for protection though.
    I was a legend in the world of vampires, werewolves and witches. Anyone who dared to mess with me, Britina or her mom probably ended up dead or close.
    "Oh look, it's Venmoria, queen of the humans!" Luna, my adopted sister, announced opening the door for us. She had long red hair, black eyes and snow white skin that showed her what she truly was. A vampire. Luna and Britina were the same age, in human years at least, sixteen.
    I sighed and rolled my eyes as I passed her. "Don't you have a coffin to crawl in to?" I sneered.
    "Don't you have a human to hug?" Luna asked, her black eyes catching mine in a death grip.
    I did the only thing a normal sister would do; I slapped her hard across the face. I just wanted her to shut up about me getting an education. "Okay!" I yelled at her. Britina and her mom, Lucia, came into the room when they heard the ruckus. "Shut up about me going to a human school. And hey! I'm human myself except that there's a blood thirsty demon waiting to eat you alive inside me!" We had this fight almost everyday, and usually I won.
    Luna put her hand to her cheek. I knew the slap didn't hurt her, but she could act. Luna let out a roar, exposing her long, pointed fangs. Her black eyes held me in place.
    Lucia rushed into the middle of the fight. "Girls," she said in a motherly voice, "calm down. You're acting like wild animals."
    Luna pushed Lucia out of the way, with enough force to send her tumbling onto the ground. Britina went to help her mother, keeping a watchful eye on us.
    Luna lunged, tackling me onto the floor. Her mind had broken through my barrier and had firm control over my actions. I was struggling to regain control.
    Luna pulled the back of my head, exposing my throat. I knew this fight was going way too far. Luna leaned her head down and pressed her lips to my neck. Even though I was helpless, the element of water was at my side. A thin layer of ice froze over my neck as Luna bit down; to her it was like biting into ice cream. She let out a screech and raised her head, putting all defenses down and letting go of her grasp on my mind.
    It was my turn to fight back. I pushed my hands against her torso and water exploded out of them shooting Luna across the room. She fell onto the kitchen table, spilling the salt and pepper shakers. "I thought you would have learned by now that you cannot beat me!" I screamed at her.
    Lucia, standing again, helped Luna off the table. "That's enough from you two." she said sternly. "Now Luna, go back to your room and prepare for your hunt. Britina and Venmoria, help me with dinner." Pure motherly orders.
    Luna stomped off up stairs to her room in a huff; she was a very sore loser.
    The rest of the evening was silent, no one wanted to speak and I wasn't going to break the silence. Luna stayed in her room until the sun had set.
    When Lucia and Britina went off to sleep I found no reason to hang out at the house. I crept out of the house silently, as I did every night. I opened the door and slipped out into the night.
    The night air was moist and it felt nice. I never enjoyed it though. As soon as I was near the middle of town I ran into Luna. She was happily feeding on some poor helpless female.
    "Taste good?" I asked dryly. We were in a dark ally where no one could see us. When she was done she raised her head to glare at me.
    "Don't you have somewhere to be?" I leaned against the left wall and shook my head.
    "I never have somewhere to be. I'm as free as the water." I turned around and walked away. Luna would be heading back to the house, so I was free to wander.
    As I walked through an empty part of the city I heard footsteps behind me. I sighed, this was the forth time this month some strange, twisted stalker has followed me. Usually I would let him feel some pride then kick his butt. Tonight however I did not feel like wasting my time on another psycho.
    I stopped in my tracks, the footsteps went silent. "You know, following me isn't going to do you or me any good." I said rudely. I could tell he felt no fear, because I looked just like any other sixteen year old girl.
    "Come on sweet heart. Come quietly and no one will get hurt." he said in a voice that made a chill run down my spine.
    I chuckled at his comment. "I don't think so." I said sternly shifting position. This guy was a creep and deserved to get his butt kicked.
    "Oh, come on Little Missy. Come back to my place and we can play house. I can be the daddy and you can be the mommy."
    "How about we play crime scene instead? You can be the victim and I can be the murderer." I turned around, water flowing up and down my arms. Shock crossed his face but was replaced be a smirk.
    "I've heard about you, Venmoria. You're quite dangerous, that's why I came to make a deal with you."
    "I don't make deals with worms." I answered sourly.
    "I didn't say you had a choice." he said calmly. Then a pare of black, bat like wings shot out of his back. I stood dumb struck at what I thought was a human. He flapped his wings, took flight, scooped me off my feet and carried me away.
    I drenched him in freezing cold water but he didn't let go. He held me to his chest like a doll. I could do nothing. If I jumped I would die and I didn't even want to think about what he had planned for me.
    Suddenly I had an idea. A small river of water flowed from my finger; it was so small he couldn't feel it flowing up his arm, onto his shoulder and onto his wings. I clenched my hand into a fist and the water froze.
    His wings became too heavy for him to stay up and we started falling. I held my hands above me and water vapor shot out of my hands, creating two angel wings. I waved at him as he hurtled towards his death.
    As soon as I knew it was safe, I landed gracefully on the ground. My wings disappeared as I walked over to the spot the demon had landed.
    There was blood everywhere. It was like a water balloon had exploded. I just shuddered and hurried to get home before the sun rose.
    Before I was half way home I heard his voice in my head, sexy. I shuddered and kept walking. Come on babe, he said again.
    "Leave me alone." I warned. Where ever he was he was healed enough to use his mind powers against me.
    Something hit me hard on the head causing me to fall onto the ground. A gasped for air as my head spun. The lights danced and I slipped into darkness.

    When I awoke I could here the wind whistling. I opened my eyes and looked down. "What the heck?!" I yelled twisting trying to get back. I had been tied to a pole that was on the edge of the roof of a tall building. The early morning traffic buzzing around below me.
    "Nice view huh?" a said a voice behind me. The sound made me shudder; it was the demon from before.
    "Not really." I said trying to sound brave, but my voice was shaky. I knew it slaughtered the effect.
    "Venmoria, The legend of our world, scared?" the demon said, still behind me. This guy was really getting on my nerves, but what could I do?
    "Let's get this over with. What do you want?" I sighed.
    "I want you," he started "to join my team. We could fight against the army win over the government and rule the world!"
    "That sounds all fine and dandy," I said shaking my head, "but, I don't want to join your dumb team. You can carry on with your life and I'll carry on with mine, does that sound okay to you?"
    He chuckled, patting me on the shoulder. "I'll give you two options, one: join my team, and two: plunge to your death. Which do you pick?"
    I thought for a moment and reviewed my options, which didn't take long. I came to a conclusion. "I'll take my chances with death." I announced.
    The demon sighed and shook his head. He started untying me. He untied everything except my hands. He led me to the edge of the roof top. "I really hate to do this." he sighed.
    Then he shoved me off the edge.
    The wind was rushing all around me as I thought of a way to hit the ground without dying. I felt the fear of dying pulse threw me like venom, I had never felt that way before. I had never had a near death experience. I had to find away not to die, but if I did no one would miss me, but I didn’t want to die.
    Plans rushed through my mind at top speed. I had to think of a way to save myself while my hands were tied behind me.
    The thought of Spider Man came into thought. That was it! I shot a rope of soft ice out of my hand. It caught into another building and I was flung backwards into it. I grunted when I bashed into the wall.
    I slowly lowered myself onto solid ground. I used all my strength to break the rope. I collapsed onto the ground hoping I would never see that demon again.

    "Where have you been?" Lucia yelled as I walked into the house with my hands in my pockets.
    I sighed and told her the truth, "This crazy demon was stalking me, took me hostage, tied me up and flung me off the roof of a building."
    Luna walked into the kitchen waling in laughter. "You, Venmoria captured? That's so funny."
    "Hey I'd like see you save yourself from falling off a roof top." I said placing my hands on my hips and scowling at her.
    "I don't need to," she smirked, "any injuries I can heal within seconds."
    Lucia cut in, "Luna, it is 7:30 you should be in bed." Luna opened her mouth to rebuttal but she closed it and walked back upstairs. "Britina!" Lucia called walking over to the foot of the stairs.
    A moment later Britina came down to the kitchen with a mop as hair. She yawned and sat down at the kitchen table.
    "Venmoria, can you help me boil some water for eggs?" Lucia asked grabbing a pot and setting it on the stove. I nodded and walked over; I shot water out of my finger and into the pot. It was boiling instantly, and eggs appeared in the pot after the water.
    The eggs were done within five minutes. Lucia and I sat down with Britina, and ate our eggs. Breakfast was always awkwardly silent. I chewed slowly and silently, not really caring what I was putting in my mouth.
    As I ate I thought about the creepy demon that had thrown me off the roof. I never got to see his face, so later I wouldn't be able to tell who he was by looking at him. I knew the voice a little too well; it had scared me the most. It was like a snake was gargling oatmeal. I had never been stalked by a demon before. It was usually sick minded, freaks wanting some action. But, what they didn't know is that it would come to a bitter end.
    When I was finished I cleaned my plate and grabbed my backpack. I didn't bother to do my homework, none of my teachers cared what I did.
    The walk to school seemed oddly different. There was a presence I was not sure I knew. When I got to the property I saw a new, scared looking face. He was tall with dark hair and pale skin. He looked to be about my age, but who really cared about "the new guy" anyway. It was just one more person that would avoid me until they graduated. That's what always happened.
    As I stepped onto the pavement near where the new boy was standing his eyes flickered to me. For once, they didn't run away from me in an instant, he just stared at me. He was looking strangely at me as I walked by; I knew it was not good.
    I turned away from him, trying to escape his odd look, but he reached out and grabbed my arm. "Excuse me," he said politely. I turned and looked at him with a forced smile. "Could you show me where the office is?"
    My whole body froze up, no one had ever asked me anything, let alone even talked to me. I just nodded and motioned for him to follow me. Usually I would have said, "Find it yourself." but my voice had failed me.
    The new guy broke the silence after a few minutes, "Is it nice here at Orlando High?"
    I kept my answer short and sweet, "Yep." I didn't want to make conversation with someone I would, probably, never talk to again. He saw how I didn't want to be bothered so he went silent for a while.
    "You know, you're very beautiful." he muttered blushing. My heart came to a halt and my feet stopped moving. This boy obviously had something wrong with him. Nobody ever called me... ugh... beautiful. He took in my reaction and I knew he regretted saying it. "I'm sorry. I should have just kept my trap shut."
    "It's okay," I mumbled walking forward to lead him on.
    We finally made it to the office just as the bell rang and students shuffled to their first classes. "Well, here we are." I murmured.
    "Thanks," he said turning to me and holding out his hand. "I'm Zack." I didn't shake his hand. I turned on my heels and stalked off the other way.
    I didn't want anything to do with him. His voice echoed in my head like I ghost, "You're very beautiful." I shuddered; I pictured in my mind what he was thinking. Boys can be so perverted sometimes.
    As I walked down the crowded halls students back up against their lockers to let me through. The odd person who didn't would be tripped by a sudden puddle of water on the floor. I slammed my locker open and grabbed my books. I turned to walk away and I saw Zack's face. His locker was beside mine. Oh joy, I thought. He seemed really happy to see that I was there, it scared me.
    "Hey, I thought that was you." he said happily. I ignored his comment and walked away like he hadn't spoken. I left him stunned at his locker. I knew I was being cruel, but it was who I was to everyone, and if he didn't stop trying to be my friend I'd have to tell him that.
    In Geography I cautiously scanned the crowed of students for Zack; if he was here then I would ditch, if he wasn't then it was safe to enter.
    He wasn't there.
    I walked in with a not-so-evil glare on my face. Tristan cringed as I sat down, I smirked. I was always happy to see someone cringe at the sight of me. Then the most terrible thing happened; five minutes later Zack walked in with his books under his arm and a slightly terrified look on his face. I hid my face in my hands, hoping he wouldn't see me. Was he a stalker?
    He didn't see me, thank goodness. Class went on as usual, but after class was a different story.
    I got up to leave when someone called my name, "Venmoria!" I sighed and turned to face my living hell. Why was he so eager to talk to me? Did someone stick an "I'm nice" sign on my back?
    "What do you want?" I hissed through my teeth as Zack approached. Anger was building up inside me.
    "I was wondering what your next class was?" he asked sensing my anger and suddenly becoming timid.
    "Gym, but what's it to you?" I crossed my arms over my chest. This was going too far.
    "Could I walk you to your next class?" he asked staring at his feet. I could see the red tinge in his cheeks.
    "Whatever, if that's what you want." I sighed grabbing my books and walking out of the room with Zack at my side.
    As we walked through the halls many people stared in wonder. When we passed a gazing student I shot them a cold glare. Zack didn't mind the students; he just walked happily beside me.
    When we made it to the gym I knew I had to confront him. "Okay Zack. I bet you're a really nice guy and all, but I'm not interested in you." Zack nodded sadly. A wave of guilt washed over me suddenly, but left quickly. "And you are coming on a bit strong. All I've got to say is that I don't like you that way." I didn't want to look at his pained face again, so I walked quickly into the gym.
    I was extremely glad Zack didn't have this class too; of course I didn't show my happiness.
    We were split into two teams to play European Handball. My team voted me goal keeper. Actually I said I was by standing in the goal. My team won, of coarse, because I didn't let a single ball in. No one could see me use my powers if it was water vapor.
    I walked slowly and silently to the cafeteria, I secretly hoped that if I didn't make a big deal of my entrance Zack wouldn't notice me. But he did.
    I sat down with my tray of food. My table was in the far corner of the room. "The Stalker" Zack casually walked up and placed his tray down. I sighed and looked up at him with a glare that would send anyone running, but not Zack. He just smiled sweetly and placed himself in the chair across from me.
    "Haven't you grasped the concept that I don't want you anywhere near me until we graduate." I snapped at him.
    "I understand I've been alone at all my other schools." he said in a calm voice. I just shook my head.
    "You will never understand." I growled at him, "You will never understand what it feels like to be tormented daily. You will never understand the feeling I get if I try to fall asleep. You will never understand how it feels to have everyone afraid of you and running away from you everyday because you are different and it's not your fault!"
    "But we've got each other," he said in a soothing voice that didn't calm me down one bit.
    I stood with my hands planted firmly on the table. "I don't like you, and I never will, so wrap that around your scrawny, little brain!" I shouted. Suddenly the cap on my water bottle flew off the top, and the bottle tipped over gushing out water. Even after all the original water was gone water was still pouring over the table. I stormed out of the room with many eyes boring into my back.
    I ran to the washroom on the second floor that no one uses. I looked at myself in the mirror, the lie that stared me back in the face. I was not beautiful; I was ugly from the inside out. I didn't know how to be beautiful, I would never know.
    I rammed my fist into the mirror shattering the image of the girl that was supposed to be me. Blood ran down my knuckles but the wounds healed quickly. One power the water gave me was the ability to heal.
    I grew angrier at my inability to be a normal human being. All the taps started running and the toilets over flowed. Water poured out into the halls, I heard a couple screaming girls outside the door.
    I knew I had to get out of here before the janitor came to mop it all up. I took in a deep breath and held it as I melted into the floor. I felt like I was floating in water for only a moment then I was on solid floor again. I was standing in an empty classroom.
    Water started pouring out of my finger tips and onto the concrete floor. After a minute the water was up to my ankles as I stepped out of the room.
    I moved from empty class room to empty class room, filling them with water. I made a cloud of mist cover the hallways and stairs. I heard all the girls who were in the main female washroom scream as the taps came to life by themselves.
    Secretly I thanked Zack, because if he hadn't made me so angry I wouldn't have caused the school to go into mayhem.
    I walked up to the main floor, many students and teachers were bustling around worried. I gawked at them as they hurried around like headless chickens. Snickering at the helpless school I walked out into the, now, pouring rain.