• Okay, maybe this wasn’t the best idea. But I didn’t know what else to do. It was all just getting to be too much for me, I needed to escape. So I slipped out back and climbed up on the roof. My only problem? How in the world was I going to get down? A minor detail, I told myself, I’ll figure that out later. For now I sat down, hugging my knees to my chest. Closing my eyes, I breathed in the scent of the cool night air, letting wind surround me and carry me away. The faint sounds of music drifted up to me from inside. I wondered if anyone was looking for me, if they even cared that I was gone. That’s when I heard a voice, calling my name. I crept over to the edge of the roof, looking down. And there he was, staring right back at me. In the dim glow of the porch light I could see concern mixed with relief reflected on his face.
    “What are you doing up there?” He called. “I was getting worried, I thought you had run away or something.”
    “Nah, I just needed to get away for a bit. I’m fine, really.” I called back, giving him what I could manage of a reassuring smile. He was worried about me!? But…why?
    “Great! So why don’t you come on down and—”
    “Uhm, yeah…I can’t.”
    “Climbing up things I’m okay with, it’s getting down that I can’t do.” I explained, shrugging helplessly.
    He thought for a second, then stretched his arms out toward me with a smile. “Jump then, and I’ll catch you.”
    I took a step backward. “J-jump? Me? Oh no, no, I can’t. No way.”
    “Well then, how do you propose to get down?”
    “I don’t know. But I can’t jump, I can’t! I… I’m scared to.” I protested weakly.
    “Do you trust me?” He asked, nothing but pure confidence in his voice.
    “Yes, of course!” More than anyone in the world.
    “Then just jump! Look at my eyes and forget everything else, okay? Forget the people inside, forget the roof, forget being afraid. Forget everything else but you and me. There is nothing else anymore. Just you and me.”
    I stared down into his eyes. His dark, brave, beautiful eyes. I let go of everything, took a deep breath, and jumped.

    For those few seconds midair, my stomach churned and fear swelled in my chest. I anticipated the pain of hitting the ground, only to find myself caught in the strong grip of his arms around my waist. He held me a few inches off the ground, safe from harm. My arms had found their way up around his neck, our eyes were still locked together. He set me down slowly, his eyes still meeting mine. There was this heat, a tension in the air like I had never felt before. My heart was pounding in my chest. In his eyes I saw confusion, longing, and something else I couldn’t quite read. Then his lips pressed against mine and I was falling, falling into him, my whole body and soul melting into his and we were one.
    His eyes. That look.