• The children of the City of Rain have a story, this one of a spirit, a ghost of a woman.
    The woman's spirit is called La Llorona, the Weeping Woman.
    She was once a pretty young woman who lived in the Barrio of the City.
    She was happily married to a man she thought would never leave her.
    She had seven children, seven lovely little children....
    Then her husband grew tired of his young wife and children.
    He left his wife for a younger, prettier, woman.
    In a fit of greif the young woman drowned her children in the bath tub.
    One, by one, by one.
    Imagine perhapses, you where the last child, you had heard the screams and splashes of the your six brothers and sisters, horrified for the time your mother comes for you...
    Soon the dark deed was done, and the woman went to her husband, her white dress and her hands stained with the blood of their children.
    She attacked him, blaming him for all that had gone wrong.
    He simply stabbed her.
    Three times
    And the young lady was no more.
    Or so her husband thought
    That was wrong.
    In the night the husband heard weeping, crying.
    Then he screamed.
    The woman he had left his wife for would find him in the morning, drowned in his own bed.

    Thus was born La Llorona, cursed forever to search for her children.