• Once upon a time there was this girl name Sami. She was the most popular in school all the boys want to go out with her. The only boy that Sami would go out with is this kid name Roby. He knows that Sami likes him but he doesn’t want a girlfriend because he is not ready for the whole kiss, kiss thing because they are only in 8th grade. Then this new girl name Kiki she likes this new boy named Phil. Kiki and Sami are like sisters they do every thing together they go shopping together but this girl named Alyssa hates the new boy and girl because they keep flirting with each other so Sami offer to ask Phil out of Kiki but she said no because she wanted to do it herself. The next night was Teen night so Phil and Kiki were going out by then but the one problem was Alyssa because she wanted to ask Phil out for herself because she heard that he was a good kisser.
    So that night at teen night to make Alyssa mad they all gather in a group and they were talking and out of no where Phil kissed Kiki on the lips for like ever. Alyssa got so mad that when Phil and Kiki were kissing, Alyssa punches Kiki right in the arm. But that’s not true, they told everybody that but the truth was that Alyssa punch Phil on purpose but they don’t tell anybody to make it look like Alyssa punch Kiki they made her trip, to make it look like Alyssa punch both of them. But if u were paying attention she didn’t hit both if them only Phil because he was suppose to kiss her but he didn’t like her he like Kiki. So they lived happy ever after. The End