• "HELP!!!" the girl on the stage said
    jenna sat in the theater watching the actors move about on the stage. Jenna hated the theater because every time she was about to fall asleep, some one yelled "HELP!". as if waiting for her to almost fall asleep, THEN yell at her. but right at that moment she saw something in the corner of her eye. not a person..she stood up and walked out of the auditorium, looking around she saw a boy sitting on the steps going up to the balcony of the theater.
    "hello?" she said in a soft voice.
    the boy jerked his head up and stared at her with deep blue eyes.
    "um are you alone?" she said, hoping he didnt run up the steps.
    "what do you think?" he said softly.
    from where she was standing she could tell he had been crying. he was about her age with deep blue eyes and charcoal black hair.
    she walked over to him and sat down next to him.
    "im jenna, whats your name?"
    "blake...why are you talking to me?"
    "because, its kinda rude to stare.."
    "you were staring at me?"
    "never mind. i get stared at alot."
    they sat in silence for a few minutes with the faint sound of the actors yelling.
    "Well i have to go.." Jenna pulled out her ticket and found a blank place. she wrote her number and gave it to him "if you need someone to talk to or something, call me ok?"
    "yah.. ok"
    as the years past she and him became good friends and eventually became boy-friend girl-friend and were truly in love. one day while at her house he said
    "do you remember when we met?"
    "yah." she smiled "i do" heart
    "well i was thinking..i never told you why i was crying.."
    she looked at him with curious eyes. "no you never did..WHY were you crying?"
    he sat there looking at his feet for a few minutes. "well the day before.." he took a deep breath. "my parents died, and this man had taken me to a orphanage. i was scared so in the middle of the night i climbed out the window and ran until i couldn't any more. i got to your town and slept under that big old oak tree in the park. i had some money on me so when i woke up i went to the dinner to get some break fast before running some more. but i had to rest for a while. so i went and snuck into the theater. when people walked in i would hide under the stair case until the left and the ushers left to. then i just couldn't hold it in after they left i cried..when you came out..man i thought great she's guna laugh at me. but when you talked to me, i was so relieved some one sorta cared i was crying, even for a guy to cry i didn't care. and now here we are."
    Jenna sat in silence.
    "before you came i had thought about sneaking into the dinner or some where to get a knife.."
    she knew what he was going to say next and she started crying. blake scoted over next to her and hugged her tight, and said "if it wasnt for you..i wouldnt be here. i love you!"

    the end!