• She sits on the side of the bed. In one hand she held a rose, and in the other a gun. The image of him handing her the rose flashes in her mind. She tightens her grip on the rose. Then the thought of him in bed with that b***h flashes through her mind. She tightens her grip on the gun. The whole agument rang threw her ears. Tears started to stream down her already burning cheeks, and her grip tightens around the rose. As she watched the blood drip off of her fore arm she raises the gun to her temple. She felt the cold end of the barrle through her hair. She contiuned to watch the blood trickle down from the wounds in her plam from the rose's throns. She pulled the trigger..... nothing. She blinked, and as she pulled the gun away from her temple she looked at it. She had left the safety on. She droped both the gun and the rose. Then curled up on her bed and slept insted.