• As we were continuing our adventure we came across a guy in a green suit wearing armor. Walking forward and then challenging us to a fight. He morphed the grounds and made the battlegrounds. Reaching to his back and then pulling out two swords and beginning the battle with a move."Swipes of nature!"He yelled. Directly attacking us with the powerful move."Fire of furry!"Yelled Cain. As the furry of the fire hit him he kept burning like a tree. Running towards him I used lava corruption! He fell in the pain of the attack."You won, now help me."He said in pain. Using symphysis he was healed."My life is in your honor."He said gratefully."He wasn't much of a fighter." said Cain as he walked away. As we continued walking I found a little monster he was friendly."I'll call him Rikanah."I said. Although being a powerful warrior of the Corfix Zone,there was still kindness inside of me. Raising the small dog like creature,he became a powerful fighter. Walking into the sunset I thought about the life I once had.