• "Hey!! Get up its time"
    "i slowly got up and walked over to the prison guard as he cuffed me and walked me down the hall, i was really not sure what to think of the situation i was in,i was scared maybe or no.. maybe i was acatually happy... i wasnt sure i knew one thing for sure and thats that im innocent but they couldnt delay the execution any longer.
    "Hey you you got some last minute visitors"
    "As i looked up my family was standing there in tears, but all i could do was smile while tearing,as he told me it was time to go i turned around and said don't worry im innocent and when i get to god he'll open his arms to me and say welcome... so don't be sad i love you all dearly and i will be watching you all, my brothers and sisters eyes grew even more damp then they were, i was like a father to them they were both brought in from the street by me and my mother and soon after adopted... wait im looking back on my life???... i started to shiver as they stuck the noose around my neck the reverand came and did his prayer and then the executioner asked if i had any last words, i looked up at my family and i smiled.....