• Chapter 12 - The Bulletin Board

    Drakutha was walking back from potions witha a gigantic book in his hands,Reading.

    The only use of this potion is the antidote for Cremanthyplous [Creame-AN-thy-polus] and the percentage of people who get Cremanthyplous each year is 1 out of 560,000.
    Wizards and Witches have nearly always mixed up the Smell of chocolate cake to be the dangerous stinging machines.
    Picture,See page 155..

    He read,The Potions Master assigned them a 12 inch essay on Antidotes of Cremanthyplous and other mysterious stinging creatures.

    As he was walking to the main room,He spotted yet another set of eyes.He shrugged it off and walked away,As he arrived 2 other students had said the password and he walked in with them.Everybody was crowded around the bulletin board,He craned his neck to see what was going on.

    'Headmaster Wardle approves this..

    All are welcome to Jalkwia's most fascinating event,Professor Xel has generously set up 4 tables with your house colors on the tablecloths,Also a number of stools depending on the many in your house.The extroardinary thing about this is all students will be welcomed to dance,sing or whatever..With their dance partner.You will also be having fun making luck charms in potions,Making your own spell in Defense against the dark arts,and making a fortune teller with simple magic in Divination.In herbology,however;You will be introduced to the Ckrafhspinhearoe plant,A nice plant that helps home needs.Of course this must not mean much to many of you,Put at the end of the 3 week period,You will have many tests with professionals to determine which class (A,b,c,d,e,and f.) you belong in.(Ex.In D.A.T.D.A you might get B,So you would have a near highest quality in a class with the other students in your house who had gotten B.) and after that we will celebrate with a spectacular party with certain..events.

    The bad news is that a prisoner from the jail Melthander has escaped and is on the run.His name is Mechanulis Grey and he is very dangerous.Security has been highly improved around Jalkwia and students are permitted NOT to enter the forest,Or the Pridikjulants room,Considering there are portals and 'Grey could get in easily through there.There will be a great number of locks and security trolls guarding each.

    Please remember that classes are delayed until further notice considering the teachers would like to discuss plans on security and this exciting 3 week event occuring,And you may not be care free but you should not be stressed out either.

    Governor of Magical Schools and Events;
    Myckale Nitherwings..'

    Drakutha reread the letter until people were clearing up.He glanced back at Seirta and Elrokk and grinned.