• I was in a library, and was told to select one book, and one book only. I roamed the library with a large group of other teens, looking through the dusky light and dusty shelves. I finally selected two large books (about what I have NO clue.) and ran to join the rest of the group. They were dividing us up into groups, in which we would join ancient clans. All but me, a boy, and another girl were selected, and the rest of the teens were escorted into a giant "briefing room". A tall woman walked up behind us and said, "follow me." So we did, just around the dark room in which the others were in. We went up a very narrow staircase with a low bannister, to just below my hips. I was scared that I would fall down, but I never did until we reached the even narrower walkway connected to some stairs and a boulder that leaned to the right far enough that I stumbled when we reached it.

    I fell down a few steps, the rest of the group not even stopping. My books! where were they? I looked around frantically, and saw my duo of books on top the stairs. I grabbed them, and ran after the group. Just a few steps later, I entered an amazing little alcove full of elderly people. They were apparently clan members, too. I smiled at them, and they looked proudly at the trio of new members coming this year. We walked through this room after a few words with the elderly man nearest us. When we walked through to the next room, it was a giant (once more dark)
    room full of dining tables.

    I looked around, and sat next to our a person that didn't look too much older than me. She smiled, saying "good luck!" and suddenly looked towards the stage as an important-looking man walked his way to the podium and began to give a long, boring speech about how proud he was that the ancient clans were once more gaining a few new members, even the hidden one. Apparently, I had been chosen for the hidden clan! Finally, his speech was over and we were served dinner.
    I sat at my chair, not even touching the meager food I had selected for my meal. The woman next to me started peeling some food for me (I think it looked like shrimp) and I just sat there, in a daze. When she finished with the shrimp-thing, I suddenly fell forward in a dead faint at the table, too exhausted to do any more.
    As my eyes flickered open, the woman sitting next to me realized what I was, despite my best efforts to hide it from all, even myself.

    She got something sharp out and slashed her arm deeply. Her bare arm was dripping with blood as she said, "Drink up, vampy. I didn't cut myself for nothing, you know." I took no hesitation as I sucked the blood from her arm, until she stopped me for fear off iron poisoning in myself and too much blood loss in herself. I looked around the table, and a few knowing eyes looked at me, but there was also a pair or two of those who looked at me like I was insane, including the other newly chosen girl. I didn't care, though, and began to talk with my neighbor for dinner. I ate normal food sparingly, since I already felt so full and content. I was more energized than I had felt, realizing that I was one of three out of hundreds who got to be in the hidden clan.

    After this, I recall nothing but a role play I began from this. I remember the imagery near perfectly, but faces evade me. With all of that, this dream somehow became my favorite one that I can recall.