• Of Demons and Angels.

    Chapter 1

    “I take it he isn’t doing very well under pressure is he?”

    Two servants leaned up against the door where moaning can be heard from inside the room. There were several muffled thuds and crisp sounds of paper being torn, crumpled and thrown up in the air. When both servant girls had heard the moaning sounds of their master, they immediately leaned their ears against the large oak doors that lead inside the main library.

    “No Lilly, I think…I think he finally bit the big one.”


    The taller girl made a swirlly movement with her fingers and crossed her eyes.

    “Ooh, you mean he is crazy, loco, a complete nut case, up to the funny farm with him…and,” The taller servant smacked her. The smaller girl was about to say something when they noticed a silence coming from the other side of the room. Both curious they were about to open the doors to see if their master was alright when suddenly a loud forced laughter erupted from beyond the doors causing the two to jump back wide eyed.

    “Yep he is crazy.”

    “I concur Marsa. I concur.”

    And both servants scurried off.


    Malcolm walked his way briskly up the corridors towards the library. Just his morning when he was about to sit down to a nice hot breakfast two servant girls had come through the doors shouting the king had gone ‘muy loco’. So much for my nice breakfast, he thought when he turned quickly down another corridor.

    Being the king’s second adviser was probably the most prestigious and the most idiotic that he has ever done. I might as well be talking to a monkey. He did listen to him on practical affairs for the kingdom but when it came to common sense and well-being it was just like talking to the local village idiot. For god sakes man, he’d seen the king run around the palace in his boxers. His boxers for crying out loud, the Oscar Mayer Weiner ones.

    It was bound to happen; in fact, it’s been happening for the last hundred years. The last time that the king appeared to be serious was when a couple of nights after Clara’s funeral. It hit him hard. In fact, it hit everyone hard including Malcolm. The little ball of sunshine running around was no more. The only one that seemed to be not bothered by the king’s daughter sudden death was the king’s mother, Diana. Horrible woman on the face of heaven, earth, the underworld and perhaps Hell.

    He finally reached the oak doors but to find a half a dozen servants gathered around. All their ears pressed against the door to listen in on what was happening inside. Malcolm sighed and rolled his eyes inwardly. Never a dull moment in this place. Never a dull moment.

    “What is the meaning of this?” He barked. All the servants jumped and looked at him surprised. “Well? I am waiting…Get out of here and get back to your jobs.”

    One tiny servant boy looked up at him, “But we are done.”

    Great a smart servant, he slapped his head and shook it. “Just get out of here. Shoo. I mean it.”

    All the servants grinned and walked off. Snickering at him on how he landed that job. I swear what happened to the good old-fashioned scare and they scurry off servants?

    Shaking his head again he pushed open the double oak doors and quirked an eyebrow at the scene. Papers and books all askew everywhere some were being still airborne. He dodged a book that had been an inch away from giving him a headache. Malcolm looked at the papers that were fluttering in the air. He caught one and looked it over. A bill, he grabbed another, a law, several more laws, tax papers.

    Laughter came from the second floor of the library and more books came crashing down.

    “Who ever it is I don’t want any.” A light voice laughed where the books came from. “Oh look more paper to throw! Goodie!”

    Malcolm looked up and saw an empty wine bottle heading his way. He dodged the bottle and winced as it crashed on the marble floor. This is bad. He knew the king must have been pretty messed up in the head when alcohol was involved. Since neither men didn’t drink that much.

    “Your majesty?”

    “Who is it?” The voice asked amused. “Is that you Mally? Join me in a little drink!”

    Another bottle went flying, this time only half-full. Malcolm had the good sense to catch the bottle before it ended up like the last one. He looked at the bottle. Perolette, 1329. A good year...yet such a waste.

    “Well Mally, are you coming up or what? Or do I have to send another bottle?”

    “No, no that’s fine, I’ll come up your majesty.” Malcolm answered in a heavy sigh, then added under his breath, “I’ll come up you stark mad idiot.”

    Climbing the stairs up the next floor he dreaded what type of shape everything will be in. He wasn’t surprised to find that the floor was completely covered in papers. Torn, crumpled, and even some untouched. Along with the papers were also the obvious books, with light wine stains on them. He picked up an old copy of Moby d**k that was literally drenched in wine.

    “I swear which is more smarter, a chimp with a bow tie or my employer.” He sneered and tossed the book down.

    “Oh come on Mally, a bow tie? A smart chimp would dress in something a little snazzier, like a three piece suit and a pair of Italian shoes.”

    Malcolm turned sharply in the aisle that he was standing in front off. There, sitting on the floor in the very end appeared to be very calm yet very drunken young 18-year-old man.

    The teenager felt oddly out of place with what clothes that he was wearing. This was a very old suit that was made in the late Victorian era, though the shirt was unbuttoned and ties lying on the floor. Even more odd was his dark tan complexion and unruly black hair.

    Yes very oddly out of place.

    What were kids wearing today? Malcolm wondered, oh yes the baggiest pants that that you had to wear up to your thigh then tie on with a belt not to mention the super large baggy shirt. Kids these days.
    The teen half smiled at Malcolm and hold up a wine glass and bottle in his hands.

    “Well, come on, glass or straight from the bottle Mally?” He asked.

    “No thank you your majesty.” Malcolm answered stiffly as he entered the aisle. The teen shook his head.

    “For Christ sake Malcolm, you know me long enough that you can call me by my first name.”

    Malcolm sighed and sat down next to him, “fine Darius, now can I ask you a question?”

    “Shoot.” Darius offered one more time the wine and Malcolm finally gave in. He took the glass and bottle and poured. He quickly drowned the entire glass in one gulp. Then turning to his employer, he glared at him.

    “Just exactly what the hell are you doing?”

    Darius gave a wide grin and said simply. “A divine intervention.”


    “A divine intervention,” The other man repeated, making his grin even wider then it was. He grabbed the bottle from Malcolm’s hands and took a swig. Malcolm quirked an eyebrow as Darius got up to his feet. He swayed a little but caught his balance. Though put his hand to the bookshelf for a little more support.

    “More like you drunken yourself on your a**, then received a word from God.”

    “Oh ye of little faith Mally,” Darius chuckled, “Though your right, I am indeed drunken on my a**, and no I didn’t see an angel appear to me. But I can tell you I had a nervous breakdown.”

    “I can tell.” Malcolm agreed as he looked around at the papers and books on the floor. “So why is it divine?”

    “Because Malcolm, in the middle of my rampage, something has been made very clear in my mind.” Darius’s face turned into a serious one. “Can you keep a secret?”

    Now Malcolm was really wondering what Darius was up to. He looked up at the other man hesitantly but nodded solemnly. Darius nodded happily.

    “I know I can trust you, but you need to keep this to yourself. Not a soul must know…I need you to prepare a carriage, a set of new clothes...and find out which servant has retired in the last…two no three years.”

    “Why?” asked Malcolm. Darius leaned over in his ear and whispered something quick. Malcolm’s eyes widened and then turned at the other man with complete horror. Darius only response was a calm face expression.

    “At the end of today Malcolm I want all of it done.” The darker man handed the bottle back to him, then turned on his heel and exited the aisle.

    Malcolm, a man who seldom drank, finished the entire bottle completely in a flash and shuddered on what he was about to do. Everyone is going to kill me once word gets out. I am so screwed.