• “Crud, I’m going to be late! Mom why didn’t you wake me up?” I yelled, I was usually late and that day was no exception. “I did wake you up, repeatedly.” Mom said exasperated, “Saya your lunch is in the kitchen!” she said, as I was about to run out the door. “Thanks mom see you after school!” I said and before she could say anything else I was out the door.
    I got to school on time but all the staff and students were outside. I wonder why everyone is outside I thought. It wasn’t until I got to the group that I saw police, outside the school with yellow tape that said Crime Scene Do Not Cross written on it. Then my two best friends Ichigo, and Sakura, came up to me with wide eyes, Sakura was crying. I asked, “What’s going on?” It was Ichigo who answered, but before she did I also noticed that Sakura’s sister, Youko, was not with them.
    Ichigo spoke, “Youko didn’t get back to her house after swim practice.” Sakura started to cry again at Ichigo’s words. “NO!” I cried out “No, Youko’s fine she has to be!” Youko was a fun little girl and Ichigo and I thought of her as our little sister too, since Youko and Sakura lived alone, after their parent’s death. Then Ichigo trying to get me to understand without hurting Sakura again said “Saya why don’t we go talk over there.” She said pointing five feet away. “Okay.” I said, we walked away and Ichigo started explaining. “Youko is dead, but… she was stabbed 100 times, by an unknown weapon, the strange thing is there was no blood at the scene, or in Youko. She has no blood left.”
    About five days her death Youko’s funeral was held Ichigo and I went and it was a small funeral. Afterwards Ichigo had Sakura stay with her until she was ready to go home. Ichigo and I wanted revenge so we started to investigate, we even asked the head detective in the investigation if we could help, strangely enough he let us, he said “I figure whom, or whatever did this needs to be caught. And that girl that got killed was close to you right?” we replied in unisons “Yes, and we want that horrid thing caught and executed!”
    We planned a camp out on the school grounds, and while we were scared we were angry so the fear was dull. Sakura had insisted on going as well, we objected but there was a fire in her eyes, a black fire of hatred, so she came too. At midnight our tent rustled but no one was outside, or so we thought. I looked outside to see if anything was outside but nothing was; now we really were scared.
    Then I saw her, I saw Youko, she looked petrified and in so much pain. But she also looked intrigued and that puzzled me, but how was I seeing Youko? She was dead and I knew it, “Sakura look!” I said. “What is it? Oh god is someone here?” She replied, but in a very timid way. “Yes and no, I think I see… Youko’s spirit!” I told her “Really, are you sure?” she said as her eyes lit up. “Yes.” I replied.
    Sakura looked out but then she screamed a horrified scream, and suddenly all the color left her body and she went limp. Something ripped the tent and I saw Sakura standing next to Youko horrified and pointing to something I wasn’t looking at. “Sakura? Sakura no but you I see your body next to me how…?” Then I saw stab wounds but no blood. It hit me then something killed her and it was trying to get Ichigo and me! “Saya run!” That was Ichigo’s voice she was ten feet away from me, her eyes wide and scared. I looked around and Ichigo was alive!
    I ran but then I spun around to face my opponent, and it was the spirit of Sakura’s father Keita who died in a car crash. But when he was alive he was abusive and cruel, he killed Sakura’s mother and their older brother Hayate. He would have been sent to prison but he caused the crash that killed him so he wouldn’t go to prison. “Ichigo run you can’t see him I’ll fight him off!” I yelled “But Saya you can’t fight a ghost!” she yelled back. “Just go I’ll be fine! What if he kills another one of our friends? I can’t run knowing what he could do!” Thankfully she ran, when she was gone I felt a surge of white light go through me. Keita screamed from pain and disappeared. Afterwards Sakura’s spirit said “Thank you, for trying to protect us. I’ll miss you!” Then she disappeared.

    The End