• We left off with our hero's staring death in it's face but to make a long story short..................they all die.

    (Just kidding) But there was a glemer of hope for our hero's (I think) as the pile of creatures were trying to kill Tanuco and his friends,Tanuco's hand shout out of the darkness "RRRAAAHHHHH I CAN'T LET IT END LIKE THIS!!!!"Tanuco yelled.Then all of a sudden a firce stirke of blue lightning stuck Tanuco then in a flash of blue power surrounded around Tanuco.And Tanuco blew the monsters away.(What the hell?) Tanuco thought to himself Tanuco looked down and saw that something in his hands it was a sword.This Katana was long and skinny half of it was black and another half was white (Kinda like Ichigo's sword from a whole 'nother anime).His cloths were different too his cloths were just like Ichigo's cloths his soul repper cloths.(But Tanuco is not a soul repper this story hs nothing to do with Bleach).Tanuco took no second thoughts he went to go save his friends, first he went to save Sheno he dug his hand into the pile of darkness that she was under."I can't feel her any where!"Tanuco said to himself.Then he felt something he felt her hand he grabbed it at get hast and pulled her up with all his strength she looked at her face hey eyes were cloths and she had cuts and bites makes the were bleeding."You dirty little bastards you hurt her!!"Tanuco yelled.Tanuco put Sheno on his back and swung his sword at the creatures hitting them and killing them.Tanuco took a look at where Jui was the pile on him grew bigger"Oh no Jui!!"Tanuco said as he ran to him he tryed to feel for Jui's hand but this time he could not fell Jui.But in the corner of his eye he saw the sa,e lightning the stuck him stirke were Gho was."GET OFF!!"Gho commanded as the creatures flew off of him.Gho's eyes shout over at Tanuco "Tanuco is that you?"Gho asked "I'll explain later help me get these thing off of Jui!"Tanuco commanded.Gho rushed over there to help Tanuco,Tanuco looked down at Gho's right arm From his hand to his shoulder was something white Gho's hand had long and sharp nails and there was a hole in his palm.Tanuco did not know what it was and nethir did Gho but they dug and fought till they found Jui,Jui was un-conscious as well as Sheno.Taking there minds off of the creatures Tanuco and Gho had to figure out a way to get out."Oh yeah!! The door!!"Tanuco said as he pointed,as Tanuco ran towards the door with Sheno still on his back the creatures blocked off the door.All the creatures started to pile up on each other to create a giant monster it still it still looked like the regular creatures but it was bigger way bigger."Oh no"said Gho.Tanuco set down Sheno and held his katana in attack position.Standing right by his side was Gho pointing his Elemental fist at the giant creature "Together right Gho?"Tanuco said "Yeah......Together" (Hey at least the did not die =D.....To be continued... and no gay jokes about Tanuco and Gho ok!)