• "It's only the begining, you...ummm....baster?", Dracula says like he had a pop quiz and told the teacher that she was ugly."Lol! That the best you can say you ugly baster? Damn thats not the best either!", Ian replied to a vampire with horses."Tell me how it all began...",Dracula said in a stern voice."Well, first the earth cooled. Then the dinosaurs came, but they got to fat and turned into oil. Then the arabs came and they bought Mercedes Benz!",remarked Ian with a laugh in the middle."Wow, I've been missing alot!", Dracula laughed with a smerk lol .

    Walking down a stream, Ian tries to cool off with the breaze of the water. He splashes some water on his face to refresh himself. Dracula spies on him from a nearby tree."Hmmmmm.....what could that baster be up to now?", Dracula thought to himself."He's up to something I just know it!", Dracula whispered to himself. Ian takes out a vial and puts some water in it. Then he goes to a shadow bush, and plucks the leaves off. Then he mixes the water with the leaves and makes a shadow potion. Dracula knows that potion make mortal creatures, like vampires, into a regular person, a human."Dammet!",Dracula thought.

    Chapter three coming soon.