• Disclaimer: I don’t own any part of the Naruto series…except Sasuke

    Behind the Smile:

    Chapter 5: Sakura vs Sasuke: Petals vs Ice




    I never would have imagined..

    Things would happen like this…that I

    I would be fighting the man I love

    That’d I’d be the one to protect

    You from yourself.

    Maybe because I always thought that fairytale endings.. could happen

    That friends stayed friends forever.

    That maybe petals could melt the ice..but I never even began to imagine…

    That when it came down to it……

    You would kill me without hesitation.

    His Sharingan eyes squinted slightly, speculativerly as his gaze fixated onto her pink, brightly glowing orbs.

    It was then that Sakura bolted from her posistion, finding herself upon him instantly. Matching her newfound speed, Sasuke took out his own kunai, meeting hers. The sound of their clashing weapons echoed throughout the clearing, the sparks shooting out before dissapearing. He seemed slightly taken back yet, his eyes all the more observant as he noticed the complete change in her fighting style. They weren't predictable at all whatsoever. But with his mastered Sharingan he could easily she her movements, and with his superior abilities and speep he could keep up with her.

    Sasuke immediately used his free hand out another kunai, waiting no moment before starting its decent towards Sakura. Her petal-colored eyes snapped to the kunai.

    I can see!

    The kunochi gripped the blade with her hand, stopping its descent towards her. No flinch stunned her body as the blood started dripping from her wounded hand onto the ground. Her hand still tightly gripped the blade as Sasuke conintued to apply pressure to it. Their gazes met, Sasuke's emotionless Sharingan not hinting to any suprise. Though he did feign his interest, possibly in the fact that she would be able to put up a fight, resulting in a battle that maybe wasn't a waste of his time after all.

    Letting out a small battle cry, and still holding the kunai in place, she brought up her knee, letting it collied with Sasuke's gut. The attack sent both of them, Sakura forward and Sasuke backward, falling to the ground. Both wasted no time and disapeared from their posistions on the ground, only to reapear a few feet away from eachother. With amazing speed the Uchiha was already upon her, his fist moving in for the punch.

    Using all the speed she could muster, Sakura leaned back , leaving Sasuke to slightly lean forward, over her as his fist shoved into thin air. It seemed to go in slow motion as the kunoich used incredible core strenght, as well as infused chakra to boost her lower body upwards, catapulting in the form of the backflip. She used her legs, gripping on either side of Sasuke's waist, causing them both to flip over. The result placed the pink-haired woman on top of Sasuke.

    They both slightly froze, Sakura tensing up as she straddled his waist. She could feel his-. Her disgruntled eyes shot to Sasuke emotionless gaze, his stoic demeanor unshaken, his cold eyes unwavering.

    He dissapeared from underneath her, leaving the stunned kunoichi to drop a few centimeters to the earth beneath her. Her head snapped to Sasuke as he reapeared above her, aiming a downwards kick. She immediately executed a backflip, letting her feet lightly touched the ground before dissapearing, only to reapear a few feet away.

    Sasuke stood up fully, his silent gaze calmly fixated on her. He seemed to be waiting for her to strike first, his patience forever.

    She couldn't help it. She had to. Even if just for the sake of doing it. Words may not have been what he wanted, but they also had a way of persuading, even if it took a while for the point to sink in. And she didn't wish to fight him, she really didn't want to fight him. Words were her first option in this matter.

    "Sasuke..Itachi can be found by all of us. I know how important the battle is for you, you can fight it alone, but i don't see any reason in secluding yourself from everyone."

    “I don’t need you to take care of me.” His voice was laced with venom, coldness, yet still all the like unemotional. He was not going to change his mind. The anger, the revenge that ran through his veins, a part of him, would never be stripped. The memories, the scars forever etched in his mind, his soul. He sought eternal relief from his revenge, though he did not know it would only result in more pain for him, more needless suffering. There was too much hurt, to much hatred for it to all simply vanish. And Itachi was his brother, how would he not greive over that?

    He need friends, loved ones. But they were useless if he did not want them. His heart yearned for more power, not love.

    “..It won't releive all your pain and suffering Sasuke, please beleive me."

    "Don't tell me what something will and won't do for me, you know nothing."

    "You're becoming just like him Sasuke!"

    It was then that the Uchiha paused, seemingly at a loss for words. Sakura let her pink eyes fade into shimmering emerald.

    "You say you want to rid the world of such a horrible man. And to do that, you've had to do horrible things, just like him. Itachi threw away his life, his family, clan, friends, all for power, game. He killed other innocent people, and still is. He bears no emotion for any living soul. He's already destroyed his life, and he's destroying yours, can't you see that?"

    Sasuke still said nothing, his emotionless eyes fixated on Sakura.

    "You've thrown away your life, your friends, you home, all for the sake of power. Now you are killing innocent people, and even seeking to kill Naruto, me. You're hurting yourself, others. You're letting yourself suffer, live in pain, Sasuke.. And i can't bear that!" The cry in her voice as she spoke was unmistakable. "Don't you realize that once you kill Itachi, you'll only replace him if you continue on like this?"

    She couldn't help the slight twinkle of tears that glistened in the corners of her eyes.

    "Please beleive me, Sasuke...I don't want you to hurt anymore."

    It was then that Sasuke let his face obscure from view, for what reasons were unknown.

    "What do you expect to happen Sasuke? Tell me what you expect to gain from killing Itachi, what do you expect to feel? Releif? Tell me what releif you will gain from wiping out what's left of you clan, killing your only brother? Satisfaction? Pride over the fact that you were powerful enough to defeat such a skilled shinobi?I don't see any happiness in that. In the end it all comes back to killing your brother, the man you used to glory would be shortlived, Sasuke. And only bring more suffering."

    Her eyes wavered as she looked at his obscured face. A breif moment passed before he lifted his head. There was no change to his emotionless facade, he seemed unfazed her her words. His Sharingan eyes were even colder.

    "Why don't you tell me, Sakura... When did i ever mention...wanting happiness?" His tone was all the more impassive, cold. "If I had wanted happiness, don't you think i would have maybe accepted one of your pathetic attempts to date me?" Sakura's face slightly twitched, her eyes wavering even more so. "I know your logic of thinking, Haruno Sakura. Stop playing games with yourself...and let me clear this up for you one last time." He let his Sharingan eyes fade into deep obsidian.

    "I never had feelings for you when you were a pathetic, annoying little girl with nothing to do but fawn over boys. I don't and won't have feelings for you now, as respected kunochi who has been wasting her time trying to get stronger to impress me...Even after all these years..'In the end it all comes back to' you holding on to your useless crush and attempts at gaining my affection."

    Sakura's solemn gaze was still fixated on Sasuke, and she did nothing to hide her slight sadness, acceptance. Though when she replied her voice was calm, contradicting.


    Naruto's solemn gaze held the two, his ears tuned in to everything that was said. His cerulean eyes held a sort of knowing, understanding.

    "You seem to be the only one who's concerned with feelings here, Sasuke. "


    "...My feelings don't matter, I know that...but that's not what this is about. I'm talking to you as a friend, as a former teamate. I want to help you, that's all. I want you to be happy, and it doesn't matter how that happens, as long as you are happy...and killing Itachi won't make you happy, not at all...a-and even if you can't be happy, the least thing i could ask for is that you not suffer any longer.."

    “You know, you’re really starting to annoy me.” His tone held that of finality, "This meaningless exchange of words is over." He swiftly grabbed a kunai from his pouch, and he expertly flung it in her direction.

    She clearly saw it coming, yet she did nothing, moved not an inch. Her facial expression was perfectly calm, yet her emerald eyes were not hiding any sadness that she was feeling at the moment, the silent acception flickering in their depths.

    The kunai whizzed past her face, slightly grazing the outermost part of her cheek, producing a slight paper cut as it did to. A few of her cherry blossom locks were cut free, flowing out as the wind carried them to the ground.

    It was obvious that the kunai wans't meant to hit her, but it was expected of Sakura to move, and she didn't.

    “Next time I won't miss, Sakura."

    Her solemn eyes studied the serious Uchiha, knowing that he wasn't bluffing. Though what concerned her was the fact that he hadn't intended to hit her with the first one. That he still had that slight idea similar to mercy. Ties...Maybe.

    "I want to talk you out of continuing on the path you are on, Sasuke..I want to help you-"

    "Did you think i was kidding?" His voice was slightly perplexed, yet all the more emotionless. "I do not need or want your help. Talk with you is meaningless."

    His eyes slightly narrowed as he took out another kunai. Like before he made it look like a simple toss as he flung the kunai towards her. With excellent precision the weapon centered on Sakura as it progressed closer. Again, Sakura did not move, she was planted stationary, her solemn, yet accepting gaze still focused on Sasuke.

    The kunai was halted in its movement when the pink-maned kunoichi swiftly brought up her injured hand, grasping the kunai before expertly twirling it to position in her hand. Her emerald gaze had never left Sasuke, even as they returned to their glowing petal color.

    "...Then fight me."


    On the outside his stance, his figure, his stillness was reminiscent of someone who was calm, patient.

    Though's Naruto's deep cerulean eyes were burning, flickering with worry and anticipation, anxiety. At the same time there was also acceptance, even a hint of patience. He knew he would not interfere, no matter how much he wanted too.

    “Just trust me…”

    He did trust her, and she deserved more than anything this chance, a chance to do things the way she had wanted. To finally try and set things right. She needed this. She had needed to see Sasuke, talk with him; and whether it was growing closer of finally letting him go, it would be as it was fated to be. After this there would be no more if's or maybe's. And it was for the best.

    It was all up to her, whether Sasuke came back to Konoha or not.

    It was up to the petals to melt the ice.


    She let out a small battle cry as she fell from the sky, fist propped for an attack, Sasuke below her. With exellent speed he dodged her fist, leaving it to slam into the ground. Upon contact, the earth yards in front of her broke up.

    Immediately she dissapeared coming for him again, aiming another punch. Sasuke easily caught her fist, holding it in both immediately took out a kunai with their free hands, clashing in turn. Like before, she left no room to try and overpower the swiftly elbowed Sasuke in the gut, using his moment of stun to to crouch on all fours before kicking her leg straight up under Sasuke chin. As he slightly left the ground, she reappeared above him, preparing to attack. Though, as if unfazed by her attack, Sasuke immediately dissapeared, in trun reappearing above Sakura

    Using speed he hadn't used before, he dug his fist into her abdomen with enough force to propell her at immense speed towards the earth.

    No emotion or reaction flickered through his face as she used a hand to break her fall, flipping backwards onto all fours. She brought up her head, her pink eyes shining brightly as she studied Sasuke. Something wasn't right. He wasn't trying at all. Though his attacks were powerful, she somehow knew he was capable of much more. He was only messing with her. It was that realization solely that made up her mind. She would no longer mess around as well. She would forget about her ties with him at this moment, she would break him in whatever way neccesary to bring him back, to bring Sasuke back.

    Sakura said nothing as she bolted from her position, aiming a punch for Sasuke's head. He swiftly moved his head to the side, using the ground as a support for his hands as he aimed a double kick for her, She ducked down, aiming a vertical kick at his face. He simply caught her ankle and held it there with no difficulty whatsoever. She threw another kick at the Uchiha only for it to be caught again by Sasuke’s other hand.

    They stayed like that for a moment, Sakura with her hands the the ground, the only thing preventing her from hanging freely from Sasuke’s grasp. With seemingly no effort, Sasuke slightly leaned back, his arm muscles smoothly heightening as he lifted her by the feet, meanwhile starting a slow spin. He spun around swiftly in two full motions, releasing Sakura's legs to send her in the direction of one of the huge Sakura trees, secluded to only a small area of the pink-leaved trees.

    Sakura's back was facing the fround as she flew towards the tree; she lifted her head upwards to allow her sight of her destination. She calmly closed her eyes before letting out a barely discernable grunt as she executed a back flip, right when it seemed she would hit the tree. It all seemed to go in slow motion as she landed agaisnt the tree, the chakra on her feet alowing her to crouch on it. The force of her landing caused all a burst of Sakura petals from the tree to flutter from underneath her, pushed away to the sides. Her hair flayed about her as she swiftly lifted her head up, revealing her calm, yet serious pin glowing orbs.

    In a single burst of energy, Sakura used her chakra to boost of the tree, towards Sasuke as she prepared to attack.

    Upon confrontation, she punched him, and punched him again, chasing after him, executing different moves to keep him on his path. She reappeared behind him and did a backflip kick that sent him flying into the air. She jumps up to meet him halfway and performs a very graceful spin-kick that sends Sasuke flying through many trees and into a head on collision with the cliff wall. Some rocks collapsed under the pressure and plummeted down on the Uchiha Prodigy.

    Sakura landed and crouched down, her intense eyes never leaving the rock formation. Her eyes slightly twitched as they returned to their normal emerald color. The downside to her newfound bloodlimit was that she could not control it. And because of this, her chakra would substantially drain everytime she used it. If using it was a term she could use to describe it. Her pink eyes would just come, without her trying to bring them out, just like they would retreat without her wanting them too.

    She took, long, deep breaths as she waited for Sasuke to come out. She didn't want to glance away for a second, something wasn't right. Proving her feelings, an ominous, purple colored chakra began to seep from the rocks, forebodingly, menacingly. Though all to suddenly the chakra competley dissapeared. Immediately an explosion propelled the rocks in every direction. As this happened, Sakura's serious eyes reamined focused on the sight as she slowly stood up.

    The cloud of smoke that resulted from explosion slowly started to recede, reavealing Sasuke as he calmy walked out.

    "Enough games." He still held his stoic demeanor, but something was different. She beleived him this time, he was no longer fooling around.

    “Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu” She didn't even see him preform any handseals, how could he be that fast?

    Sasuke slightly leaned back as his cheast heaved. Putting his whole body into it, he leaned forwards as the fire spewed from his mouth. But instead of letting the fire chase Sakura, it revolved around him, quickly, repeatedly, it's glow bright and menacing. It slowly started changing shape as Sasuke held a seal. It was quickly recognized as the form of a dragon as it's long body looped in and out of itself, it's red eyes glaring at her.

    Leaving no warning, the fire dragon propelled itself in her direction, leaving her only tactical manuever to dodge as she rolled to the side. Though it was hardly effective as the singing heat from the firey from slightly nicked her. The extreme heat radiating from the dragon was deadly. Everytime she dodged the immense heat overwhelmed her.

    The enflamed dragon roared and flew high up into the sky, its long, slithering body flowing behind it. When it reached the height it wanted, the dragon looked down, glaring at her. It wasted no time dove down, breathing fire at her as it did so. Sakura knew that once the flames touched the ground, they would spread out a great distance like a ...if she had any chance of dodging the raging flames, she had to get farther than that great distance that seperated the dragon from her.

    Sakura immediately ran out in full sprint, soon eniciating a series of front flips to increase her speed.

    She was fast.

    But the flames were faster.

    Her eyes slightly widened as the flames reached her, threatening to engulf her. Though it was then that she dissapeared completley, dodging the firey flames.

    No emotion flickered across the Uchiha's face as his emotionless gaze transitioned to a certain location in the distance. On que two figures appeared.

    Naruto placed Sakura on her feet, his stern cerulean eyes focused on Sasuke.

    "Naruto, please let me do this. "Her perplexed eyes were fixated on his face, though she was still slightly suprised at Naruto's immense speed. "I would have dodged it."

    "I know." Was all he said as he stood, his eyes still trained on Sasuke. "But I wasn't willing to take the chance." With that, he silghtly backed up, signaling he would still let her fight. Sasuke was waiting patiently.

    "Yo, dobe." Sasuke's deep call could be heard. Naruto stopped his walking, turning to look at Sasuke, somewhat casually.

    "Don't do that again." With that, he did a few handseals, this time letting them be seen. “Katon Goukakyu No Jutsu”

    Sakura looked up at hearing the familiar jutsu. She readied herself to dodge if the need arised.


    Sakura's perplexed emerald eyes studied the forming dragon. Though something was different. There was more than one. There were three dragons forming. She didn't get the chance to see if she could continue to dodge one, how was she supposed to try and dodge three? A sad smile graced Sakura's lips as she transistioned her eyes back to Sasuke.

    "You really are trying to kill me, aren't you?" This was more of a muttering to herself, but Sasuke picked up on it. Though, he didn't say anything until his dragons had fully formed, weaving in and out of thereselves around him.

    "I thought you were smart Sakura...It should have been made clear, the first time I attacked you." Sakura smiled again, her calm eyes flickering with knowlege, acceptance.

    "You really have changed..." Sasuke's cold eyes slightly squinted as she said this, almost she continued, she brought up an arm to wipe the persperation off her forehead. The heat from the firey dragons waiting to attack was overhwelming. But it didn't bother her as much as her realization. "You're not the guy I once knew you to be." His voice as even colder, more emotionless than it had ever been. He seemed to be void of any emotion himself. He didn't yell, he didn't sound angry, amused. Just cold. As if he had learned to shut out anything he pleased.

    It took a while for Sasuke to respond, his voice cold, subtle.

    “You never knew me to begin with Sakura.”

    It was then that he brought his single hand up in a seal, the dragons immediately bolted towards ran in the other direction, trying to bide her time. She was fast..But they were faster. All three of them came in on her at the same time, diving towards the ground. She managed to jump, flipping over them, but one slightly managed to singe her back.

    She let out a small grunt of pain as the attack burned a part of her clothing at the small of her back. She had no time to try and heal herself as they all came at her again.

    She rolled when the first one came, then executed a sort of jump spinning in the process to dodge the next one. All she could do was lean back in a small roll as the third one came sweeping at her. As they passed she stayed crouched as she tried to catch her breath, and though determined,she couldn’t do this forever. Her determined eyes looked up at the dragons turning towards her direction, preparing to attack again.

    "I thought you were smart Sakura."

    It was then that an idea struck her.

    Sakura stood up tall, closing her eyes.

    Focus chakra to the feet, and hold it there.

    The moment she could feel the heat rolling off them, she jumped up. They immediately changed there course, following her movements. She twirled around and realeased Chakra from all points in her body. It looked like shooting lights, were coming out of her. They dissolved the fire, leaving only embers to fall to the ground.

    She had no time to fall down as Sasuke appeared behind her.

    “Impressive..” He remarked dryly, coldly. Eyes wide, she looked over her shoulder. With super fast speed he kicked her towards the ground..Before she touched the ground, he appeared below her and kicked her back up. He reapeared above her ready to kick her once more but she managed to the force of the blow sent her flying back to the ground, where she landed painfully, spitting out blood in the process.

    He slightly cringed, his eyes reflecting deep worry as his body unconciously tried to urge him forward, an act of protection. But he stopped himself, clenching his fists tightly as he watched. His cerulean eyes held deep contemplation.

    He knew the time would come, when Sasuke would get serious. It was happening. And though it was, he wanted to beleive something. He wanted to beleive that Sasuke wouldn't kill her, that he somehow still held the bonds he had created with the both of them. That he still held some type of mercy for his former teamate, for the girl that had loved him, or maybe still did.

    But just like he wanted to beleive that, he knew, he knew that something bad was going to happen. And despite the face that he wanted to trust Sakura, he wanted her alive, he wasn't going to wait for something bad to happen. He was going to protect her.

    "I'm through playing around with you."

    Sasuke did a feal handseals, before putting his palm towards the ground before him, letting his other hold his arm for support. Immediately lightning started sparking from the ground, all around him as a large ball of what looked like electric currents of chakra started to form in his hand.

    Her emerald eyes reflected a sort of sadness, yet resolution as she studied Sasuke. And though she wasa breathing heavily, she lifted herself up from her position on all fours, closing her eyes in the process. She took on last deep breath, trying to calm her body, even as what sounded like birds chirping invaded her ears. As she became still, a pink chakra surrounded her body like a second layer of skin. Then a small, almost translucnet circle of pink chakra appeared ond the ground around her, slightly revolving.


    Sakura's eyes shot open, revealing their bright pink color. Immediately the chakra revolving on the ground around her exploded with much more chakra, it's reaching flaring up about her like flames, falring around her as it continued to spin at a much faster pace. She then closed her eyes.

    She slowly crossed her arms in front of her chest, before slowly, starting to spin. Her feet didn't seem to move as she did this, her spinning seemingly resulting from her chakra. While she spun, Sakura let her arms loose, intertwining them together gracefully as she continued to spin. Sakura petals appeared around her, spinning and surrounding her as she continued to revolve. She then started lifting her intertwined arms above her , as far as they could reach, splaying one of her palms out towards the heavens as the other rested underneath, a sort of support. Staticky lights started to appear in various places not to far from her outspread hands, almost like little beams, shooting to her hand, creating a pinkish-red ball of chakra. It got bigger by the second.

    Sasuke swung her chidori filled hand behind him as he continued to grasp it. Without warning, he bolted towards her. Sakura then opened her eyes abruptly, everything around her dispersing.

    “ Meet my bloodline limit.” She took the stance Sasuke took ; arm behind using the other one for support. She too bolted from her posistion, towards Sasuke. Tears fell in a long stream behind her.

    They both ran at lightning fast speeds, getting closer and closer to colliding. Both their eyes were locked on to each other, none holding any intention of stopping.

    5 yards away.

    4 yards.

    3 yards.

    2 yards.


    A huge explosion rocked the earth amidst the clearing.

    Thanks for reading!

    Yea review would be..totally AMAYzing..right? yes no maybe?