• On one foggy, wintry night in mid-December, snow fell slowly, illuminated by the light of the full moon. The two wolf demon brothers stood across from each other, both having hate in they’re eyes.
    Lunar: How long has it been dear brother... two, three-hundred years?
    Solar: Four-hundred actually, but who's counting? *he says this in a joking voice, he is grinning big*
    Lunar: *growls a bit and his eyes narrow* You cant be serious about anything can you?
    Solar: Why be serious when you can be calm, cool, and relaxed? This helps me avoid being stingy like you. *he chuckled* But anyway, you sure know how to throw a party. No food, no drinks, and not a single hot babe in sight.
    Lunar: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I was so excited about seeing you... I could not concentrate on preparations for the bash...
    Solar: Whatever... Now, how bout a hug for your little brother?
    Lunar: Ok... but, how bout a hug... *draws sword* from this?! *draws sword fully, waves it through the air*
    Solar: Naw *draws twin short swords* I don't like things that are sharp and painful. Except of course, for my buddies Twi and La. *holds swords in battle stance*
    Lunar: Heh...so this is what they call a heart warming family reunion huh? *grins a bit*
    Solar: Guess so...lets bring the violence, shall we? *charges*
    Lunar: Lets! *charges*
    The brothers run at each other through the snow covered field. The snow seemed to fall slower as they shot at each other with a single minded hatred, felt by years of fighting and desire to kill. Don’t fret, there is an underlying reason to this hatred... When they were born, their father had cast a curse upon them to make them seek and battle each other until one was dead.

    When they had reached each other, when there swords clashed, the world seemed to stop in that singular moment.
    Lunar and Solar both let out loud battle cries as they began their blood fight. The blades clashed at unheard of speeds and created a wave of heat from the friction of the blades.
    Lunar: I see you've gotten better...
    Solar: Much better.
    Solar does a 360 back flip over Lunar and slashes at him a two or three more times, Lunar guards against it but regardless, one made it through and cut at Lunar's arm. When Solar landed he spun around and bashed his swords at Lunar. Lunar blocks and their weapons are sent flying behind each other.
    Lunar: Hmm... *begins to murmer a spell*
    Solar: *looks startled* Oh no you don't! *murmurs a spell*
    Lunar: Fire element...
    Solar: Ice element...
    Both: Big Bang Explosion!!
    Lunar held his hand close to his mouth like a flamethrower, and he launched a massive ball of flame and power. Solar, on the other hand, threw his arms behind his back and launched a huge wave of ice. The two forces shot at huge speeds before finally colliding. The combined force of the twin energies created a massive explosion. The explosion itself was a marvel. It was a gigantic ball of white hot power that roared its way through the forest. The resulting shock wave destroyed part of the forest and shattered the ice atop the lake nearby. Lunar and Solar had stood their ground however, staring at each other. Lunar's hair and his Yukata were flowing in the shock wave. His crimson eyes as he stared at Solar. Solar looked at Lunar and smiled a bit. His hair did not flow as well as Lunar's due to being shorter.
    Lunar: Brother... *Lunar had a slight mad look on his face*
    Solar: Brother... *Solar had a big smile on his*
    The brothers then shot at each other. Solar turned to his wolf form, and Lunar readied his claws. A trail of snow shot into the air as the ran at each other. Lunar drew back his fist and Solar readied his Fangs. (pause for effect) Lunar was lunging his fist forward and Solar was ready to bite. Time continued as Lunar punched but Solar dodged, then bit down on Lunar's arm tightly.
    Lunar: *growls in pain, he slashes continually at Solar's scalp*
    Solar: *holds on despite the pain*
    Lunar sliced more and Solar finally latched off, but not before taking a chunk out of his arm. Lunar held his arm and cringed and snarled. Solar turned back to his wolf demon form and put two big slashes in Lunar's chest. Lunar's shirt fell into the snow. Solar smiled then cringed and put his hand over his left shoulder.

    Solar: Damn bro... you got me good. *blood trickles down his arm, dripping onto the snow and turning it red* You have forced me to do this... *his eyes turn black and two bite marks on each side of his neck appear, human ears appear as his wolf ears disappear, pointy vampire ears appear*
    Lunar: *eyes widen a bit* Brother...you‘re a monster...
    Solar: *hair turns silver-blue, finger nails turn to claws, Both of his pupils turn red and the black in his eyes go onto his skin, giving him thick black marks around his eyes* Monster am I? Who is the monster, dear older brother?! *he chuckles evilly*
    Lunar: Ok then, that's how you want to play? LETS PLAY!! *Lunar began to growl loudly as black fur began to grow from his skin, his claws lengthened and his bones crackled and spread apart to increase his size, his legs got longer and began to bend backwards near his feet, his eyes turned pure black and red circles stayed in the center*
    Solar: *slightly deeper voice* Ahh I see, the forbidden power...the force that the gods proclaimed as sacred in Wolf Demon lore. The power of Yoko Lunar!
    Lunar: *growls louder, stares at Solar with hateful eyes, he speaks in a growling voice* Your damn right... Thus is power that was sealed into my body... when I was but a child... *roars loudly, tail lashes out and smacks the ground hard*
    Solar: *speaks in a calmer voice, transformation finishes* Ahh... The power of the Vampiress Mina... She said it would become useful someday... I guess she was right. *chuckles a bit*
    Lunar: *finishes transforming, growls loudly* Unfortunately for you... YOU'LL NEVER GET TO SEE!!!
    Once again, with their single minded hatred in thought, they charged. Lunar roared loudly and ran on all fours towards Solar, unable to control his primal urges in this state. Solar began to serpentine across the field, sending up clouds of snow behind him. Yoko Lunar and Kyuuketsuki Solar both drew back their fists and punched forward. They punched at the same time and were caught in a dead-lock, tightly holding onto each others fists.
    Yoko Lunar: *growls and eyes flare red*
    Kyuuketsuki Solar: *eyes narrow and stares into Yoko's, chuckles a bit and kicks Yoko in the chin hard*
    Lunar rises off the ground a bit and bashes Solar on the head then kicks him into a tree hard. He growls and charges at him again.
    Kyuuketsuki: *looks at Yoko and growls in pain* I never thought he would be this strong...*he shot out of the tree and ran to his blades, he grabbed them and readied his stance*
    Yoko Lunar roared at him and drove his claw into the ground as he ran, to build up the force of his swing. Solar reacted in barely enough time to block the hit before he was bashed across the surface of the lake. His arms bled rather badly, but the wound began to heal.
    Kyuuketsuki: Good cripes…that one hurt a little.

    Yoko Lunar roared loudly and charged on all fours across the lake, streaking across the surface of the water. Kyuuketsuki Solar slashed his blades downward and sent a wave of energy across the lake to hit Yoko. Yoko ran head on into the blast. Kyuuketsuki’s eyes widened and he created more energy to fuel the fire. Yoko roared loudly and dissipated the blast once inside. He whipped his arm to his side and the smoke and fire vanished.
    Yoko Lunar: You are so weak brother… *he pulled back his lips to make an impossibly large grin*
    Kyuuketsuki Solar: *his eyes narrow and he growls in a low tone* Why don’t you come and fight me hand-to-hand then?!
    Kyuuketsuki threw the blades to the ground next to him and charged rapidly. Yoko Lunar gave the devil grin and charged forward again. The two of them began trading fists at rapid speed once again, each getting more punches than last time. All the time, Lunar and Solar stared straight into each other’s eyes, in their minds, floating across from each other in a white abyss.
    Lunar: …
    Solar: …You gonna talk at all?
    Lunar: …
    Solar: *smirks* guess not…
    The two of them transitioned back to reality. Yoko is staring into Kyuuketsuki’s eyes, giving him the hate filled glare.

    They kicked away from each other and both showed signs that they were exhausted . Lunar, with a bright flash, transformed back into his normal form and fell to one knee. Solar did the same, and transformed back. Lunar lifted his head and looked at Solar.
    Lunar: *labored breathing* I’m almost outta fuel…what do ya say we make this last one the deciding blow?
    Solar: *he grins a wide grin and looks at his brother* I’d say…lets dance…big brother.
    The two of them stood up and faced each other. They both began to murmur a spell, both very powerful. They finished and launched the masses of energy. A sharp pain suddenly shot through Lunar, and his orb was severely weakened. Solar’s shot right through Lunar’s and was about to hit. A black streak suddenly shot out of the sky and interrupted Solar’s attack. It was Jinx, Lunar’s childhood friend and lover. When the attack exploded, she was shot back and landed at Lunar’s feet, staring into the starry sky. He looked down, horrified.
    Lunar: ………………………………................J-Jinx?