• Looks like Keith made it to Miami high school. As Keith walked in the school he tried to open his locker but somehow when he touched it, it melted. Then he had a strange feeling. He felt a cool rush soothing air chill down his spine he thought he had powers. Then he thought he was exagerating. Then he started running to because he was late. But he was running so fast that he couldn't see his feet anymore. he was at class before you could say oddness. Then he ran into this kid. His name was Denis. Then Denis shot fire at Keith. Then Keith ran away from Denis. Then when he got to class he tried to hide but he got to scared to hide. So odd that in his scaredness he turned invisible. Then he tried to keep running out of the school but running at the school corridors black as the new moon, he could actually see through the corridors. So he began to look in the corridors but he got very scared terrified even. He saw a man body laying on the ground in a pool of own blood. But it wasdn's only his blood, it was actually a pile bodied laying the blood. He went to find the principal but in the office he saw the principal in his chair bleeding everywhere. He was crying as he saw his best friend, Sara lying in a face full of blood. He looked back right behind him was Denis he hit Keith but in the world no one thought. But Keith and Denis saw the one the only God!! He just fell to ground bleeding but not dead he told one word. Pharos he said so Keith said the word. They felt the ground shaking, the world moving, the school spinning before their eyes. Then as the halls flooded with blood and the bodies lying on the floor in the blood. The people started floating. And a purple shadow of each person appeared then their shadows turned to the bodies on the floor. Then Denis began to run but as Keith shot the arrow of life it hit Denis in his heart. He lunged his hand forward and said when i come back from the underworld you will DIE!!!!!! Then everyone cheered for Keith in a loud applause and carrying him and screaming KEITH KEITH KEITH. Then Keith we4nt home from school. When he came in his mother asked one thing. . . . . How was school today? And that is what it would be like an everyday life of Keith Neferd.