• All The Flowers

    Once upon a time, a girl came upon a garden of flowers.
    She picked up 4 flowers: a white rose, a red rose, a pink carnation, and a white carnation.
    She put them in a glass vase filled with water and set them on a large rock.
    She set them down, curtsied, and ran away.

    Then she came upon a field of wildflowers.
    She picked a flower of each color: red, blue, pink, and orange.
    She pulled the red ribbon from her hair and wrapped it around the flowers.
    She set them on an old tree stump, kissed the lovely bouquet, and ran away.

    She finally came across a lone oak tree.
    It was nearly dark and so she rested against the trunk of this tree.
    She closed her eyes, a smile playing along her lips.
    She was satisfied with her day’s work and, so, she slept.

    She didn’t wake up.

    After three days being gone, the people of her town were looking all over for her, but the never found her.

    Then, her mother found her.
    It was late at night and her mother was sleeping in the little girl’s bed.
    Her mother left the window open and she woke to a whispering.
    It was nearly dawn, so the mother got up and put on her shoes to follow the whispering.
    It lured her to the garden, where she found the girl’s bouquet.
    She held it to her chest as she continued to on to follow the whispering.
    It pulled her over the hills and revealed a secret meadow of flowers.
    The mother found the bouquet of flowers with her daughter’s prized ribbon holding it together.
    She kissed the ribbon and quietly cried while her feet led her along, following.
    Then, as she pulled the curtain of leaves back, she spotted her daughter.
    She ran to her, clutching the flowers to her, and she sobbed as she held her daughter.
    The girl was dead.
    The mother knew this.
    She cried while she laid her baby girl down and put each bouquet in her daughter’s hands.
    She returned to town, heartsick, but as she got home, she realized that there was a blue vase filled with white roses.

    High above the clouds, the girl happily hummed a tune while picking all her favorite flowers that were scattered throughout the land.
    She happily tied all her favorites together and sent them down to her mother below.

    The End.

    -December 25, 2007