• 50 ways to make orochimaru cry
    1-tell him naruto is dead
    2-sneak up behind him dressed like itachi and yell 'boo!'
    3-drug him and tell manda to eat him
    4-show him your blood
    5-tell him the muffin he is eating that you dropped it on the floor
    6-tell him you kick puppies
    7-tell him you like the flavour of orange juice and toothpaste combined
    8-tell him sasuke got shot
    9-take his thong and give him a wedje
    10-show him an orange,wave it in his face and eat all of it
    11-do the sexy jutsu
    12-get the akatsuki to gang up on him
    13-sneak up behind him with kabuto while he is in the hot spring and yell 'HI!'
    14-when he goes in the hot tub,wait in the water and pop out with the akatsuki
    15-while he is sleeping sit on his hand and fart,then put it in his face
    16-put a glass bowl over his face and crap in the pipe leading into it
    17-poison his snake
    18-steal his nail polish
    19-call him gay
    20-get shikamaru to get his mom to nag him all day
    21-tell him he is needed in konaha in ten minutes
    22-shoot sasuke in his face
    23-take away his arms
    24-wave your arms and yell 'i have arms!you dont! ahahahahahahah!'
    25-tell him granny tsunade is coming
    26-say pervy sage got diedara to marry him
    27-tell him the akatsuki wants him back
    28-say itachi wants to come over
    29-throw him off a cliff and say there 'is' a trampoline at the bottom
    30-show him a picture of itachi
    31-get a bird to know all the curses in the world and put it in his ear
    32-get him drunk and give himself the heaven cursemark
    33-tell him you burned his room
    34-tell him naruto is the new hokage
    35-say naruto is coming over and he has full form and control of the 9-tail fox
    36-tell him the 9-tail fox is coming
    37-put him in a fire and say 'damn it!die will you?!'
    38-put him in a wiches caldron full of soup and say 'IM HAVING OROCHIMARU SOUP TONIGHT!'
    39-hog the phone
    40-burn all of his toy bears
    41-make an orochimaru voodoo doll and give it to manda as a treat
    42-call him a wuss
    43-get all of the akatsuki to push him into a swamp while wearing his good dress
    44-get him to read this
    45-while he is in a hot spring put manda in the water
    46-make manda the biggest snake he's ever seen
    47-tell him gaara is gay
    48-give him homework
    49-tell naruto these tips
    50-get sakura to punch him

    characters copyright of Masashi Kishmoto