• It felt like it was going to be the perfect day of my life. My boy friend, his name is Jake, is taking me to a ski resort ith his family. I have no idea how to ski. I was heading up the mountain...then there was this horable sound, I can not discribe it in words. The next thing i new, I was under so much snow i felt like i was being crushed. I was. I could hear Jake yelling my name. Then he said, "I am going to get help, stay there!"I wanted to yell dont worry, it's not like i can move! But i dont think he can here me yell that when im stuck under 10 or more feet of snow!!
    Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours, and hours felt like days. I have no idea how long i have been stuck. It might have been days for all i know. I thought to myself will he come back? It was getting harded and harded to breath. I could not feal my arms or legs anymore. As i closed my eyes awaiting death to come take my soul, I herd it! The sound that made my heart beat again! It was Jake! He yelled, "Karen! WERE ARE YOU KAREN!!" I used the last of the air in my lungs to yell, "JAKE IM HERE! IM OVER HERE!" I was so happy that i started to cry. Jake was holding me close and i knew that he would have never left me to die. I could hardly feal any part of my body, but that did not mater anymore. I was in the arms of the man i love and that is all that maters.