• In the 1700’s, in a forest outside of a bustling town, was a castle that over-looked the town. Inside the castle’s thick stonewalls lived a vampire by the name of Kincade. He lived in his castle alone for over two hundred years now. He was lonely and hardly left the castle for anything including too feed. He stands from the table he was standing at then walks over to a window to watch the cloudy sky. Along the path of the marketplace walks a young village girl. He name is Nevada-kun; she has long pink wavy hair, light green eyes. She was shopping for herself when she stopped by the vegetable stand. “Hello Nevada, how are you my young child?” asked a snaggle tooth woman asked. Nevada smiles as she fills her basket with tomatoes and answers,” I am fine Rita, just shopping again.” Rita smiles and denies payment form Nevada since she had practically raised the young woman after he parents were killed. Kincade sighs as he walks from the window and gets on his top hat and cloak. He walks down the path of the forest that surrounds his castle and then stops to see a figure running towards him. Nevada was walking along the forest path when she trips over a tree root into the fresh carcass of a half eaten deer. She shrieks from the sudden plummet into the decapitating animal then stood to find herself covered in blood and chunks of flesh. Barks and growls make Nevada look behind her to find a pack of ravenous wolves and lycans, they lick their lips and growl surrounding her. Within moments one leaps at her and Nevada breaks out into a mad dash towards the castle. Kincade moves to the side as he sees a young woman run pass with a pack of lycans and wolves on her trail. He runs after them to find the pack fighting over a body. When he pulls out a pistol from under his cloak and points it to the sky and fires a shoot. The mad and evil creatures flee from their new victim and he walks over to the body. He glares down with a sadden look in his eyes for the victim was a young mortal woman. Kincade looks around as he picks up the girl’s body and heads for his castle. “This girl is almost dead…I could drain her or turn her….” He ponders this as he brushes a strand of the girl’s hair out of her face. He sighs as he cuts his own wrist then places it to her lips and Nevada begins to drink his blood. After a few minutes he pulls his wrist away then covers the girl up and walks out. He heads for his own room and he gets into bed and sighs hoping the girl would be ok. Nevada sits up and stretches then looks around not recognizing the room she was in. She slips from the bed and walks over to the window to see the forest and town covered in a fresh blanket of snow. Kincade had sensed the girl was up so he got up himself and walks to her room. With a knock at the door, Nevada jumps and turns towards the door to see a man. The man walks over to her and smiles warmly and says, “ You are awake my dear, are you thirsty?” Nevada looks at the man for a few minutes for he was the most handsome man she has ever seen. He frowns some when he notices the girl was staring at him. Did he have something in his teeth or on his face? Was he staring at her breast? What and why was she staring so deeply at him? She snaps out of her daze and nods,” I am thirsty.” Kincade smiles as he pulls out two goblets and a bottle of wine. Nevada smiles some as she takes the glass and sips it, when the liquid pools into her mouth she spits it out and gags from the bitter taste. “ What is wrong my dear?” he ask with a curious tone,” Do you not like blood?” Nevada’s eyes widen when she heard the word blood. Had she just taken a big swig of blood? Kincade sighs then opens his mouth to show the long canines showing from his gums. Nevada runs over to the mirror that was hanging on the wall and opens her mouth to see the same kind of fangs. Kincade walks over behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. “ I had to turn you, to save your life my dear.” His voice near her ear sending shivers down her spine. She pulls away from him, with a stuttering voice she ask,” Why am I here? Who are you? Why did you save me?” He sighs,” You want answers now…I am Kincade, I brought you here after I saw you attacked by wolves, I thought you were very attractive covered in blood.” She just stared at him did he actually think she was happy? Holding her head and looking around franticly for a way out a back home she replies, “ Pleasure to meet you, my name is Nevada-kun but you can call me Nevada, thank you I guess.” Kincade nods as he looks outside then motions her to follow and she hesitantly does. As she follows Kincade she notices the many works of art down the hallways as they enter a huge living room with a fireplace. Kincade opens a door to show a huge and beautiful master bath. Nevada stands there mouth a gap as he walks in and grabs some towels and hands them to her. Then he says, “ You might want to take a hot bath.” Before she can answers he walks past her and shits the door. Standing there in then room alone, Nevada sighs as she sets the towels on the toilet and draws her bath. She then sheds her tattered and bloody clothes to the marble floor and gently slips into the steamy water. Washing her body and hair was very quick work for Nevada as she gets out and wraps herself in a towel only to discover, she had no more clothes. Blushing at the idea of asking Kincade for some clothes then her towel falling down then…she shook the idea from her mind and made her way out into the living room, being careful not to be seen. Only to her surprise, Kincade comes up behind her and scoops her up into his arms. He strolls over to the huge chair in front of the fireplace and sits down placing Nevada in his lap. Nevada was blushing many shades of red since she was held close to his chest, so embarrassing to her since she was just in a towel and on the man’s lap. “ You can warm up then I will fetch you some clothes in the morning.” Kincade says out of nowhere and she nods still red. The two sit there for what seems like hours when she finally ask,” Why do I feel so dizzy, Kincade?” he looks down at her and bites into his wrist drawing blood. “ You are a vampire now and you need to feed and you haven’t so you feel sick.”, he says s he puts the wound up to her lips. She feels a p***k on her tongue as her fangs slide into the wound and she swallows the blood. He pulls his wrist away and she opens her mouth following it for more blood only to find her mouth covered by his. It takes about a few seconds for her trail of thought to catch up with her body. Her eyes flutter rapidly as she realizes Kincade eyes were closed and he was kissing her, deeply. She melts into the kiss and closes her eyes returning the kiss. After a few moments he breaks the kiss and Nevada pulls back with her face flaring with a reddish tint. He smiles and she smiles back then yawns falling asleep in his arms. Near the evening time Nevada wakes up in the same bed as she had before. A knock on the door startles her, Kincade walks in and over to the bedside.” Good evening Nevada.”, he says as he plants a kiss on her forehead. She blushes again and draws her attention to the clothes he had brought to her just as promised. With a smile he turns around and Nevada sighs as she gets up and begins to change. After she was done she clears her throat and he turns around, Nevada had changed into a red blouse that buttoned down all down her chest, and a skirt that started at her waistline and went down to the floor. He smiles as she walks towards the mirror and sits on a stool. Kincade comes up behind her picking up a brush and running it through her long pink hair. She sighs and ask,” Kincade, how come you saved me and are treating me so nicely?” He stops brushing her hair; setting down the brush down he takes her hand leading her over to the window. He looks towards the sky and says, “ I have been alone in the big old castle for two-hundred years,” he looks towards her and continues,” When I saw you in the forest, I thought you could be with me for eternity so I turned you.” She looks out the window and sighs then looks back at him and nods and chuckles as he pulls her into a tight hug. Kincade smiles showing his fangs as he plants a soft kiss on her forehead. Nevada looks back outside and replies with a smile,” I guess this would be called love at first bite.”