• I could'nt believe my eyes.Cody,the love of my life and my former fiance was staring at me again! We were at school and it was 7:45am.Cody stared at me.We'd been engaged,had already made love and were still in love.But then something ruined this moment.Him...Deliverance.
    Deliverance was the 'delivery boy',if u will.I wondered who he had a message for.He started heading towards me.I walked in the oppisite direction as fast as i could and Cody followed me,already noticing that this guy was following me.
    "Kristen?Who is that guy and why is he following you?!"The worry in his voice was apparent.
    "you dont know who that is???"I was shocked."Thats Deliverance.He delivers messages to people who are supposed to go to that special school for supernatural creatures.I've always been told that I was a special person and that I was always waaaay too intuitive,but c'mon!!!" I ran around the halls panicked.Deliverance jumped up,flipped and landed facing me and Cody in front of us.The people in the halls stopped what they were doing and cleared to the sides as if the freakin' plague was there.
    You,Kashyyk,"(Ka-sheek)"Along with Celos,"(Kee-low-s)"Are to report to the House of Spirits.You cannot avoid this and your parents have already been notified.You can't escape it."
    "Why do we have to go?" I asked.The tall,extremely hot Deliverance,with his black hair and red eyes smiled and showed very white teeth.
    "Because it is time..."He replied and he chucked."Lets go,then."He grabbed our arms and took us out to a limo.(Yea,buddy!)
    "Can we ever leave?"I asked.
    "When you're 20yrs old,yeah.Dont worry,its not as bad as you think it is."He laughed.His laugh was cold and warm at the same time.It sent shivers down my back."Okay,you guys are going to have about 10 hours to get there,and thats if we are early.Its a long 10 hour trip so I'll let you know when you can use the bathroom and such.Well,have fun!"He said.We started on our way.