• We arrived to our school, which the proper name is *Middleton Senior High School*. Sam walked me to my locker. I looked at him with curiosity. "Why do you keep following me to the locker?" Sam smiled at me and said "I can't just leave you alone. You're my step sister." Yeah right. If he can't leave me alone, why did he ditch me many times before? I think he's saying those *nice and caring* compliments because this is school and you won't know when someone is *secretly* listening to your conversation. I mean, Sam is the *cool kid* of the school as a sophomore. But still, why is he even caring for me, the *uncool kid* or *lame kid*? After when I dropped off and picked up my stuff at my locker, Sam waved at me and headed to the cafeteria. I sighed and headed to my language arts class.

    I had to pair up with Daniel McGiffin in today's activity. Daniel is the class clown in this class and I loved his jokes and other stuffs that made me laugh, but then...when it comes to work, I have to do all the work and Daniel still gets half of the credit that I make. I guess Mr. Green-Lemons likes the tricks that Daniel does and I guess he doesn't care what he does academically yet.

    I'll skip over to lunch because the rest of the morning period wasn't that much of an enjoyment. I took out my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and started nibbling on it, waiting for no one to come to sit next to me. But then, I think a miracle happened. Someone came and sat on my table! It was Jamie, one of Sam's *followers*. She smiled with her teeth showing, "Hi! You must be Sam's step sister!" I sighed on those daily questions. Every day, at least one of the *followers* come up to me and say those daily questions... "Hi, you must be Sam's sister!" Or "Hey, can you hook me up with Sam?" Or even "Can you somehow let him know that I exist and can you help me to...kiss him?". Well, most of the time...Guys ask that question. Well, I answered the daily questions and watched Jamie leave. Jamie is a Senior, and I have no clue why she wants to hang out with a sophomore...Or even date him.

    The last period, Algebra 2... I really don't like that class. People keep on passing notes right behind me. I was praying to the god that does not exist that I will not get a note from people who does their *note passing activity*. I guess my god did not exist after all. The note came right to me. I opened the note carefully, hoping nothing gross or disturbing written on it. None of them were true. Here's the note:

    To Angela Moss.
    I have been your secret admirer since we were placed in Algebra 2 and band. I found you interesting, admiring, and charming. I have fallen for you, and I cannot get up. You are something that an ordinary person like me could ever have. I would like to talk to you more about me and you and become good friends. I am not forcing you to exceed to become more than friends... I would like to meet you in front of the school at 3:10. I hope I can meet you there.
    By: Your secret admirer.

    I closed the note and looked around the classroom to find out who the secret admirer is. But I didn't have any clue who it was because I never talk to anyone in class. It might be a trick, but I'll risk it to find out who the secret admirer is.

    I took some time to get to the front of the school because I had to pick up my Baritone from the band room. Yes, I am a band geek. I thought about that secret admirer all through the period and now. How could someone find me charming? I guess he is blind. Really really blind. I stepped out to the front of the school and found a person who was sitting next to the tree, playing the flute. I hid myself, and listened carefully to the flute. I found it beautiful, and my confusions for the secret admirer had been blown away and my heart and my ears was filled with the sound. Soft and delicate, and yet sensitive. The color of the sound was light...Maybe around light blue. Feelings for the sound...Round pieces of sounds, creating variations that enlightens spirits. I wanted to clap and yell "Bravo!" but that would break it's sensitive delicacy.

    I approached to him when he was finished with the song. And realized that the person who was playing the flute was Justin. Justin is the first chair in the flute section, and he was a good looking guy, but he was very shy and didn't want to stand up to anyone. He reminded of myself. "You played the flute very good..." I said softly. Justin noticed my presence and startled. He quickly smiled at me. "Thanks. Uhhh... Angela... I'm the..." He cuts off before he spoke again. ".....Secret admirer...." I was supposed to be surprised, but somehow, I didn't. I just stood there and said the stupidest answer: "Okay."

    Me and Justin talked for a bit, and got to know each other fairly well. He had to go soon though. But I got his number! After I left the school, I never noticed the existence of one of the *followers* Gina...Also the chief editor of the school new...I believe she heard the whole conversation between me and him.

    I know it's not going to be the best day tomorrow.